My friendship has ended over a stupid mistake.

My friends bf dad had a stroke in March. And he’s only just come home. The bf got him an Alexa to call for help if he fell and I laughed.

Just at older people using the Alexa, not his dad falling over. Don’t ask why I laughed I just did. The bf never wants to see me again and never wants me in the flat. He’s been crying because of it. I feel so bad.

my friend has said they need space from me for a few months so they can figure out what to do/if they still want to be friends with me.

this so all over a misunderstanding. I don’t understand why I’ve been cut out of their life’s. I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been off work and I’ve been crying in bed when I’m at home.

I’ve said sorry but it hasn’t helped. I don’t know what to do or how to feel. I feel like I’m just waiting for them to text me to confirm it’s over.

my depression is bad. And it’s getting worse. 

  • Hi Mark

    So sorry to read this. I hope things will work themselves out. 

    Your friend just needs some time to work everything out. In the meantime maybe you could write to them explaining that it was a misunderstanding

    Sometimes it helps to write things out :) 

  • Hi Mark

    So sorry to read this. I hope things will work themselves out. 

    Your friend just needs some time to work everything out. In the meantime maybe you could write to them explaining that it was a misunderstanding

    Sometimes it helps to write things out :) 
