Birthday Looming.

Sorry for being depressive, it happens around this time every year, my birthday is looming. I’m happy to be left alone, I hate days that are different. The questions have started, “ what are you doing for your birthday?” All I want is to be left alone. I get that people try to be nice, I’m just happy to have a normal day. The hardest part is being taken out for dinner, here’s a menu, panic, everyone else seems to navigate the menu in 20 seconds, I stare at it and the waiter is back before I can even workout what I can’t eat. Sorry just ranting.

  • I feel thankful that choosing if I want to celebrate my birthday, and how I want to celebrate it has always been my choice. However, what frustrates me is the almost-pitying responses I sometimes receive after I'm asked what I did for my birthday... as though there is an unwritten rule that everyone has to celebrate their birthday by doing something the NT world perceives to be fun.

    Whilst I won't deny that I appreciate having birthday cards to open on my birthday, it is, as far as I'm concerned, not much different from any other day. 

    Bah Humbug! Wink

  • I feel thankful that choosing if I want to celebrate my birthday, and how I want to celebrate it has always been my choice. However, what frustrates me is the almost-pitying responses I sometimes receive after I'm asked what I did for my birthday... as though there is an unwritten rule that everyone has to celebrate their birthday by doing something the NT world perceives to be fun.

    Whilst I won't deny that I appreciate having birthday cards to open on my birthday, it is, as far as I'm concerned, not much different from any other day. 

    Bah Humbug! Wink

  • That’s the worst part, the pitying, the muggles love doing group things and have  the adoration of all around them. I had a family member say today, “Why are you so restrictive in anything that’s arranged for you?” The word… arranged? 
    I’m happy with cards, Collin the Caterpillar cake and a cup of Rosy Lee.