Unnecessary anxiety??

I am one of a few Jews living in a small Norfolk town. I already have strikes against me being an autistic American with no friends who has experienced my car being "keyed", having two tyres let down, damage to recently installed fencing on my driveway. Now with this Israelie war and an apparent widspread refusal in the UK population to condemn the barbaric attack by Hamas as reported on our News media --- am I being unnecessarily anxious?

  • I'm sorry that you're anxious but maybe focus the thread on that?

    What I'm reading feels like attacks on other people.  You don't like "woke", replace it with the words "compassionate human being" and see how it reads.  Try not to use language that you know is going to be inflammatory.  We're neurodivergent, the world is neurodiverse, we're never all going to agree.

    Yes the attacks were horrific. The situation is incredibly complex from millenia of fighting over what to me is a cursed patch of land. 

    Ultimately we are passengers on a small planet orbiting the sun, too soon we return to the dust and own nothing.  In 10 years your scratched car is forgotten, in a 100 years we're all forgotten.  So let's do the least damage possible whilst we're here.

    Make friends with your neighbours or the other Jewish folks in your village. Embrace the local culture, volunteer at a worthy local cause. Make someone else happy if you can't be happy yourself.  It's up to you.

  • I don't like woke because it has created another layer on top of the already nonsensical, impositional hoop of political correctness we are expected to jump through to sanctify a minority of thin skinned people. I was brought up in a world where a democratic  majority rules. We can still respect each other WITHOUT all this other unnecessary nonsense.

  • I deleted my original reply to this as I realised there were other replies/splinters I hadn't had time to read.

    There are undoubtedly issues you face as autistic, Jewish, American, a non-local (outsider), and a host of other things that make up who you are.  It's your thread so take it where you want, but to answer your original question is your anxiety unnecessary?  Yes, it sounds like it is.  It may have been better to focus this thread on that and how people could help you, rather than geopolitical events, none of us can solve or have any control over (although I appreciate these are currently a major trigger), much of which feels like deflection.  I look at Twitter for this kind of stuff.

    In the last 200 years, war aside, people have protested and fought for many things including Jewish emancipation, labour rights, universal suffrage as well as all sorts of civil rights.  From the battle of Cable Street in the 30s to the fight against apartheid and racism in the 70s/80s, all sorts of things - a minority of people of all ages stood up for what they believed in.   Before the paradigm shifted in their favour, they were vilified in the press, by more conservative (with a small c) people and it took years in some cases for change to be brought about. Society and language changes, none of us can stop that but each one of us can try and make a difference.

    Now is no different really, woke and political correctness is just used as a new (ish) label, in my view to stir up division by people protecting their own interests - it's a centuries old move of divide and conquer.   Rights aren't pie and more rights for someone else shouldn't mean less rights for you, so there's no need to feel anxious or threatened by it but maybe we're more inclined to be by our nature.

    The democratic majority - we need to be really careful with that, it's a fragile thing and it also changes.  The rights of minorities can easily be eroded or swept away by the "majority" often with tragic consequences.  If it was purely down to majority rule, then many of the rights that you and I both enjoy and are protected by, wouldn't exist. 

    I'm the guy in the local shop who'll reach that thing for you on the top or bottom shelf you can't reach, defend you if I thought you were being picked on or check that you were ok.  So, if you want to label me any of those things that's up to you, it's what I consider to be fairness and common decency.  I'll just carry on trying to be the best I can and living my life trying not to hurt anyone else.

  • Thanks for your kind comments, but I have spent a lifetime trying to find my place. It seems to be here on this forum with you kind people

  • Thank you, It's all our world and none of ours at the same time. You have a place in it.  Take care.

  • Your sort of comment comes with being an old dinosaur, so no  offence is taken by the longest of shots.

    My life  has been a turmoil of changes --- some good, some bad. Yes, the world continues to spin around irrespective of our perspective.

    Best wishes.

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