Unnecessary anxiety??

I am one of a few Jews living in a small Norfolk town. I already have strikes against me being an autistic American with no friends who has experienced my car being "keyed", having two tyres let down, damage to recently installed fencing on my driveway. Now with this Israelie war and an apparent widspread refusal in the UK population to condemn the barbaric attack by Hamas as reported on our News media --- am I being unnecessarily anxious?

  • I'm sorry that you're anxious but maybe focus the thread on that?

    What I'm reading feels like attacks on other people.  You don't like "woke", replace it with the words "compassionate human being" and see how it reads.  Try not to use language that you know is going to be inflammatory.  We're neurodivergent, the world is neurodiverse, we're never all going to agree.

    Yes the attacks were horrific. The situation is incredibly complex from millenia of fighting over what to me is a cursed patch of land. 

    Ultimately we are passengers on a small planet orbiting the sun, too soon we return to the dust and own nothing.  In 10 years your scratched car is forgotten, in a 100 years we're all forgotten.  So let's do the least damage possible whilst we're here.

    Make friends with your neighbours or the other Jewish folks in your village. Embrace the local culture, volunteer at a worthy local cause. Make someone else happy if you can't be happy yourself.  It's up to you.

  • I'm sorry that you're anxious but maybe focus the thread on that?

    What I'm reading feels like attacks on other people.  You don't like "woke", replace it with the words "compassionate human being" and see how it reads.  Try not to use language that you know is going to be inflammatory.  We're neurodivergent, the world is neurodiverse, we're never all going to agree.

    Yes the attacks were horrific. The situation is incredibly complex from millenia of fighting over what to me is a cursed patch of land. 

    Ultimately we are passengers on a small planet orbiting the sun, too soon we return to the dust and own nothing.  In 10 years your scratched car is forgotten, in a 100 years we're all forgotten.  So let's do the least damage possible whilst we're here.

    Make friends with your neighbours or the other Jewish folks in your village. Embrace the local culture, volunteer at a worthy local cause. Make someone else happy if you can't be happy yourself.  It's up to you.

  • I don't like woke because it has created another layer on top of the already nonsensical, impositional hoop of political correctness we are expected to jump through to sanctify a minority of thin skinned people. I was brought up in a world where a democratic  majority rules. We can still respect each other WITHOUT all this other unnecessary nonsense.

  • Point taken.  One would think that at my age of 78 a lifetime of wisdom would have subdued my anxieties by now---it has not, and I am tired; tired of having continual rejection of my efforts to integrate, so I gave up, It's just me on the spectrum. I did try.

  • Make friends with your neighbours or the other Jewish folks in your village.

    Here in Brazil there is a very large Jewish and arabic community and there is incredibly little animosity between the two of them (except when they are claiming who makes the best hummus...) which shows it is not a religion thing.

    The constant flag waving of "poor persecuted Jews" is just trying to detract from the fact the abused have become the abusers, but with the support of the USA to the tune of billions of dollars a year plus the famous "jewish lobby" in US politics that is surprisingly influential ( en.wikipedia.org/.../Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States ).

    I think that an extension of this is that jewish people start to imagine the slightest issue against them is because they are jewish, not because they did anything wrong, don't integrate into the community for some reason (eg the community is inbred and closed minded), because someone was having a bad day or whatever.

    I think the consensus here is that the behaviour the OP is receiving is probably going to happen to any outsider in that community, especially if they try to play the antisemitism card over it.

    My advice to fit in is to stop making it about you, try to find friends in the community through which you can be known for your actions, your personality and the contributions you make to the community and accept that there are plenty of village idiots in your neighbourhood.