Unnecessary anxiety??

I am one of a few Jews living in a small Norfolk town. I already have strikes against me being an autistic American with no friends who has experienced my car being "keyed", having two tyres let down, damage to recently installed fencing on my driveway. Now with this Israelie war and an apparent widspread refusal in the UK population to condemn the barbaric attack by Hamas as reported on our News media --- am I being unnecessarily anxious?

  • I already have strikes against me being an autistic American

    I rather think this is the reason some of the local scumbags find you worth tormenting - being American is often thought of as being an arrogant outsider.

    I've not come across any anti-semitic ingrained dislike in the UK, at least no more than the usual dislike of anyone from a different origin / religeon / football team supporters club / ginger hair etc

    I do see a lot of anti-Israeli sentiment from their long term treatment of Palestine and their theft of land that belongs to the Palestinians using the claim that one of their blokes heard God tel him it was theirs thousands of years ago. A bit convenient that.

    Confusing the dislike of the behaviour of the State of Israel with the general persecution of Jews is a common tactic used by those looking to use the historical suffering of Jews as a shield for a truly aweful State government.

    Since when did anti-semitic become so much worse than say anti-catholic in terms of it being evil? Why is one religion able to cause so much more damage to peoples reputation for labelling them as anti-semitic than say a protestant being anti-catholic?

    At the end of the day I doubt anyone cares if you are Jewish, Hindu or Scientologist - behaving like an outsider in a small town society is much more likely to get you into peoples bad books in the UK.

  • " Historical suffering" This is the exact excuse protestors in favour of the Palistinians are using to shield their lack of condemnation of the barbaric attack on thier premise of being the injured party through many years of  their terrorism sending out rocket bombardments.

    " The promised land" --- NOBODY twisted the arms of all the UN members in 1948 to agree on the creation of the state of Israel (perhaps God did)

    " behaving like an outsider" --- more like a consistant treatment as an outsider despite my efforts to socially intergrate.

  • Historical suffering

    'The dispossession and displacement of Palestinians from their homes is a crucial pillar of Israel’s apartheid system. Since its establishment the Israeli state has enforced massive and cruel land seizures against Palestinians, and continues to implement myriad laws and policies to force Palestinians into small enclaves. Since 1948, Israel has demolished hundreds of thousands of Palestinian homes and other properties across all areas under its jurisdiction and effective control.

    As in the Negev/Naqab, Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Area C of the OPT live under full Israeli control. The authorities deny building permits to Palestinians in these areas, forcing them to build illegal structures which are demolished again and again.

    In the OPT, the continued expansion of illegal Israeli settlements exacerbates the situation. The construction of these settlements in the OPT has been a government policy since 1967. Settlements today cover 10% of the land in the West Bank, and some 38% of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem was expropriated between 1967 and 2017.

    Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem are frequently targeted by settler organizations which, with the full backing of the Israeli government, work to displace Palestinian families and hand their homes to settlers. One such neighbourhood, Sheikh Jarrah, has been the site of frequent protests since May 2021 as families battle to keep their homes under the threat of a settler lawsuit.'

    The promised land

    'Palestinian citizens of Israel, who comprise about 19% of the population, face many forms of institutionalized discrimination. In 2018, discrimination against Palestinians was crystallized in a constitutional law which, for the first time, enshrined Israel exclusively as the “nation state of the Jewish people”. The law also promotes the building of Jewish settlements and downgrades Arabic’s status as an official language.

    The report documents how Palestinians are effectively blocked from leasing on 80% of Israel’s state land, as a result of racist land seizures and a web of discriminatory laws on land allocation, planning and zoning.

    The situation in the Negev/Naqab region of southern Israel is a prime example of how Israel’s planning and building policies intentionally exclude Palestinians.  Since 1948 Israeli authorities have adopted various policies to “Judaize” the Negev/Naqab, including designating large areas as nature reserves or military firing zones, and setting targets for increasing the Jewish population. This has had devastating consequences for the tens of thousands of Palestinian Bedouins who live in the region.

    Thirty-five Bedouin villages, home to about 68,000 people, are currently “unrecognized” by Israel, which means they are cut off from the national electricity and water supply and targeted for repeated demolitions. As the villages have no official status, their residents also face restrictions on political participation and are excluded from the healthcare and education systems. These conditions have coerced many into leaving their homes and villages, in what amounts to forcible transfer.

    Decades of deliberately unequal treatment of Palestinian citizens of Israel have left them consistently economically disadvantaged in comparison to Jewish Israelis. This is exacerbated by blatantly discriminatory allocation of state resources: a recent example is the government’s Covid-19 recovery package, of which just 1.7% was given to Palestinian local authorities.'

    'Since the mid-1990s Israeli authorities have imposed increasingly stringent movement restrictions on Palestinians in the OPT. A web of military checkpoints, roadblocks, fences and other structures controls the movement of Palestinians within the OPT, and restricts their travel into Israel or abroad.

    A 700km fence, which Israel is still extending, has isolated Palestinian communities inside “military zones”, and they must obtain multiple special permits any time they enter or leave their homes. In Gaza, more than 2 million Palestinians live under an Israeli blockade which has created a humanitarian crisis. It is near-impossible for Gazans to travel abroad or into the rest of the OPT, and they are effectively segregated from the rest of the world.'


  • tens of thousands of Palestinian Bedouins who live in the region.

    This is a contradiction of terms. Bedouins (desert dwellers) originated on the Arabian Peninsular spreading themselves throughout the harsh deserts. Bedouins are not endemic to any place in particular which is why they are called Bedouins let alone "tens of thousands of Palestinians Bedouins, as you claim.

  • I agree that Hamas are savages, but it is quite simply a fact that Israel has occupied the land which the UN awarded to the Palestinians and has driven them to extremism.

    It doesn’t excuse murder and atrocities but it is a fact.

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