Going to GP on Monday

Hi all, 

I have a GP appointment on Monday morning to discuss and request a referral for assessment. I have looked up a lot of advice for this but thought I would ask on this to hear from people with lived experience. I have made a list of behaviours, difficulties and experiences etc that I think could be linked to Autism and back up my request for a referral.

However, I feel the list has gotten a bit messy and long and i'm worried things will just get lost in translation when I'm talking with my GP.

Does anyone have advice on the main things I might want to look at getting across that will be the most impactful in convincing my GP for a referral? I'm really anxious that I will be denied a referral and I will be left no further forward and feel even more lost. 

Any advice about the whole process would be appreciated.

  • Thank you, you make a good point, probably better to have a list that is authentically a mess and shows me as I am if that makes sense. I think i'm just overthinking it. Thanks again.

  • Thank you for the message, I think i'm just overthinking things (as usual). I appreciate the wish of luck!

  • Thanks for this advice, it's really helpful , I think I may just hand them my written examples thats a really good idea. Thank you 

  • i dont think it matters too much, they will refer you anyway if you ask. im not sure theyd ever actually refuse.

    and a messy list is probably good anyway for this. if your list was done perfect and how theyd want it, like a NT would have done it, then well yeah... you see the point i guess there... they will see your messy long winded word salad notes and be like, yeah, im not reading that but that mess is good enough proof to refer you lol

  • EuanF

    I will be honest, I never saw my GP once in the whole process. I simply sent an email - said I wanted a referral for an autism diagnosis (already had ADHD & dyspraxia diagnosis) and they sent me back a 1 page form. I think it was questions where you rate your reply like "Do you do x" 1-5. I emailed the test back, they sent the referral. 

    I wouldn't worry you have to be too persuasive, simply telling/asking them that you want the referral should be evidence enough, what right do they have to say 'No"?!

    Good luck! Keep us posted!  

  • I stim but nobody would know most of them if i didnt tell them. Before i realised that i was autistic, i thought they were ways in which i comforted myself, but i now realise that they contribute to my autism. So things you dont realise are atributed to autism if you know what i mean. 

    Its a bit like a light bulb moment when you realise why you do certain things

    For me sensory issues, obsessions with smells, music, overwhelm

    A feeling of being on the outside? Not fitting in? 


    Communication challenges



    Any childhood delays

    Your IQ

    I think they require your experience on some of the above amongst other things. 

    Please dont worry about it. Aswell as speaking to your doctor, why not hand him your written examples of why you are requesting a referral for an assessment x