What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • These are your community members? WOW! As a community youre supposed to support. Feeling like a lone solider out here, but story of my life, Im reverting back to type i guess, which was not the idea of joining this forum. But i guess this forum is a reflection of society, so....

    This one person.

    We do support, all the time, as I did yesterday.

    You aren't a lone soldier - we are here for you.

    This forum isn't a reflection of society.

    As you know, I challenged yesterday for his completely unnecessary aggression towards you.

    He's individually caused all this trouble but this forum is made up of very many members.

    We all have differing views on life.

    I predicted you might not stay because of the awful 'welcome'.

    It will be a great shame if you don't.

    I personally would like to apologise for the conflict/insults that you have received as soon as you joined.

  • your words mean more than you can know

  • This particular person has led in the past to other threads being locked and I suspect this thread may end up being locked too.

    I've been here a year and seen other conflict caused by them.

    He is absolutely not indicative of the tone and level of caring and compassion present here every day.

    You are very welcome here.

  • No just conducted in the appropriate space

    For better or worse this community has rules and if you don’t like the rules you are welcome to leave.

  • ok so certain discussion and books shall be banned in society lmao
    i think we are heading towards 1930s germany on this but yeah you lot are the good side while this one single person standing against you all is the bad guy lol

  • I said the discussion not discussion in general.

  • a forum for discussion, is not the place for discussion?

    ok im all ears, where is a place for discussion? 

  • This isn’t the place for the discussion.

  • i gave you a chance to state your side but you came up with a one word rebuff that held nothing for your side but disrespect for mine. then that tiny time you tried to come up with something you tried to mention the slave trade and instead of coming up with a argument you instead just listed books....

    im here for a discussion, you could have ripped my comment with fact, and if i read i could have conceeded and been turned to your opinion in some parts, not likely all... but the thing is you know you cant as you didnt have anything to actually say, just a disrespect that you could have kept to yourself. if your words was instead a comprehensive rebuff of my words, we could have talked, but it was a single word disrespect lol followed by a confirmation later on that i was right about you as you bring up slave trade and all white people bad ideas that are taught from marxist classes.

    if you wish to wipe the slate clean, then do it, debate and point out how i was wrong, i might accept some parts, i might say some parts are irrelevant, most likely i have already wiped it away by pointing out how it happened ages ago and not all white people did it and isnt it the same as hating all muslims for 9/11??? to which you have no answer for because you know in your mind its logically right, at that point you have to admit you was wrong not then go and tell me to burn in hell like you did... which the mods warned you of doing lol

  • i gave you a chance to state your side but you came up with a one word rebuff that held nothing for your side but disrespect for mine. then that tiny time you tried to come up with something you tried to mention the slave trade and instead of coming up with a argument you instead just listed books....

    im here for a discussion, you could have ripped my comment with fact, and if i read i could have conceeded and been turned to your opinion in some parts, not likely all... but the thing is you know you cant as you didnt have anything to actually say, just a disrespect that you could have kept to yourself. if your words was instead a comprehensive rebuff of my words, we could have talked, but it was a single word disrespect lol followed by a confirmation later on that i was right about you as you bring up slave trade and all white people bad ideas that are taught from marxist classes.

    if you wish to wipe the slate clean, then do it, debate and point out how i was wrong, i might accept some parts, i might say some parts are irrelevant, most likely i have already wiped it away by pointing out how it happened ages ago and not all white people did it and isnt it the same as hating all muslims for 9/11??? to which you have no answer for because you know in your mind its logically right, at that point you have to admit you was wrong not then go and tell me to burn in hell like you did... which the mods warned you of doing lol
