How long have people waited

How long is it generally for an adult to be diagnosed.

I am now on the waiting list.

  • my work place refered me to therapy, but they refered too many people that i couldnt get on, then i got on by a new passcode then the counsellors are too busy so i cant use it anyway lol

  • My GP referred me for therapy which was a waste of time so I was a bit naughty. I feigned being overwhelmed and the therepist got me listed for a diagnosis within three weeks. It would have taken over a year withot the therapists referral.

  • Wow that’s ridiculous :/ it’s just another thing that backs up how this world isn’t built for us. They have no idea 

  • yeah, im 4 years so far.... i rang them on the third year and the gp did actually say they didnt send the referal and forgot and its on their desk and asked me if i wanted them to send it lol 

    pure incompetance.

  • I was on the waiting list for about 5 years, but I think it’s pretty obvious they forgot about me and I had to remind them I was still here. 

  • around 4 years and still waiting lol

  • For me it was over 2 years from being referred to the first of my diagnostic appointments. The diagnostic process itself was long and drawn out, with several appointments over around 6 months. All in all it took nearly three years.

    It was hard as there was no contact at all while on the list or even between appointments. I did not have a clue what was happening the vast majority of the time and such uncertainty is hard for an autist to cope with. Their communications specifically stated not to contact them for updates.

  • I'm on month 13 of waiting. My friend who was referred a year before me got diagnosed last week, so I suspect I have about a year to go.

  • You’re not going to like this but THREE WEEKS!  But there was a very particular reason: I’d landed myself in a psych ward following a very serious suicide attempt and it was appreciated there that my problems were a result of autism not serious mental illness. The fast tracking which resulted is I now realise very rare but apparently, and they whispered this to me, a policy on psych wards. Of course I’m absolutely NOT recommending attempting suicide as a fast track path but it is actually what happened in my case. 

  • I had to wait just over a year about fifteen months. It wasn't too bad but they didn't keep in touch, I think that's what made it harder because I wasn't sure what was happening.

  • My wait time was given as 2 years after being accepted for a diagnosis. From referral to acceptance was about 6 months but that was mainly me ‘dragging my heels’. I have just sold my house but am staying locally for another year for work reasons. If I was to move counties now, I would go to the back of the queue there. ( 9 months left)

  • Since February 2020! Was told then it was 2 years then Covid happened. Early last year I did get through to the team that was to asses me and was told it would be sometime that year, didn't happen.  Earlier this year finally got my GP to refer me through NHS choices, now with psychiatry-uk and hopeful that I will get assesed this year. It massivley depends on how seriously your GP treats it and the luck of how good your local services are.

  • My borough currently does not have a psychiatrist or the right specialist to do the assessment, but I'm on their waiting list to be seen. I hope they hire someone soon.

  • I was a little over a year from referral to diagnosis, I think. 

    But there was a bit of weirdness involved in that my borough didn't assess adults originally but started this year, so when they started I ended up near the top of that list after being 2.5 years down the list in another borough. 

  • I was supposed to be referred in 2020, the pandemic happened. So it never materialised. Then I have been referred now in May. I realise the wait is long, but didn't think it would take 2-5 years.

  • I waited 19 months for NHS assessment. 

  • I think it varies depending on whereabouts you live but for most it's generally a 2-5 year wait. You might have to call them up every now and then to make sure you don't get lost on their list as that can happen.