Pease suggest a New Routine

hello, I need help making a new routine. I currently don't have a routine and its really led to my life falling apart. I haven't had one for a long time. In this routine I would like specific times that I need to do things. I currently struggle with not being able to brush my teeth, shower and washing my face. I always stay indoors and I'm always on my phone. please don't suggest any activities that involve in social interactions (making new friends) as I am not interested in that right now. I like skateboarding. I can't afford to try new activities so please suggest free things to do. I want to do better with my life but I'm really struggling please help it will be very much appreciated. I have a basketball too. I would like to do as much things as possible In order to keep me going and motivated. I find that not being occupied/ stimulated makes me end up being on my phone for hours which I really want to change. I'm open to trying new things. Thank you for your time and help 

  • In this routine I would like specific times that I need to do things. I currently struggle with not being able to brush my teeth, shower and washing my face. I always stay indoors and I'm always on my phone.

    You already have the answer right there.

    Build a basic checklist of daily tasks (maybe a slightly different one for weekends if you want to do things differently) and the night before add any new tasks specifically for that day. With practice you can plan for the whole week ahead and just add any new items the day before.

    With your phone focus, maybe only allow yourself to pick it up once you have completed the basic hygine tasks in the morning so you are motivated to do these. Maybe only switch it on when you are tucking into breakfast so you take care of nutrition as well.

    Set an alarm for 30 to 60 mins after breakfast to clean up and wash the dishes.

    All of these things you tick off as you go - only when complete can you have more phone time or leisure time.

    If you are actually addicted to your phone then there is a different approach to changing how you interact with it, but I would hope it is only a "strong affinity" to your phone that is the case at the moment so we can try coming off it a bit at a time.

    For leisure time it is hard to give a routine as any outdoors stuff is weather constrained and I don't know what else you fill your time with, but I would set aside time blocks with alarms to remind you of when these times start and stop if routine is what you need.

    I note there is no mention of work, job hunting or education in your schedule - do you need to do any of these? They typically dominate a persons day so will be important to factor into the main schedule for you.

  • I have a weekday (working) routine, and a completely separate weekend routine. I get upset if my routines are broken or disturbed, and so I have to ask the question, is creating routines the way forward? I find myself trying to break my routines in a controlled way to prevent the anxiety caused when the interruptions are beyond my control. I do exactly the same procedure every day when getting ready for work, pack myself up with the same food, go for the same walk when I get home, have the same foods for my evening meals etc. It keeps me in a comfort zone but I'm not always sure that's a good thing. Only by stepping out of that zone, against all inner thoughts to the contrary, do I start to feel that I'm actually 'living' life and not just a slave to it.

  • For me, I always brush my teeth just before I go out for the first time in the day. I shower in the evenings, and definitely before I go to bed. I also wash my hair if I have run that day.

  • Using a spell check Laughing Sorry I couldn't resist

  • please suggest free things to do.

    There are free courses and libraries.

  • My morning routine is always wake up, check weather, go downstairs, greet, feed and let out my dog, wash hands, breakfast, brush teeth, shave, shower, dry hair, meditate and then go out. I don't have specific times but there's no reason why it would be an issue to set times. I also have struggled with forcing myself to do these kinds of things, and giving myself a set order has made it much easier to follow through. 

    I find walking to be a really good thing to give a little structure. It's free (aside from transport costs if you're going somewhere further away), healthy, relaxing and there's a sense of accomplishment and progress when you go to new places and especially when I work my way through a massive route (I'm currently doing a circle of London).