Life struggle

Hi I'm an Autistic adult I currently work 30hrs per week, I've never been able to maintain and job for longer than 4 years normal is 2/3 years.  I burn myself out and have to find a new job. 

It just all gets too much I can't cope my I have taken sickleave on my 3rd week and I really don't think I can go back. I have been looking for alternative employment but there's nothing going except care work which I have done but find deeply overwhelming.

Added to this I look after my Mum whohas advanced alzheimers. Everything has just gotten too much for me however I couldn't put mum into a home I wouldn't cope with that. 

Any advice


  • Thank you yes it is full-time caring.

    Financially giving up my job is not an option but the strain of balancing both responsibilities is taking a major toll.

    I know I'm just one of a nation of carers looking after family members but its a hard job which I feel privileged to help her. 

  • Thank you for your reply I have no intention putting mum into a "care" facility.

    I have a lifelong fear or being committed myself so the idea is terrifying.

    Unfortunately because I work I don't qualify for benefits. 

    Well done on looking after your Dad it's hard but can have rewards like you say. 

  • Thank you for your reply unfortunately I  don't qualify for carers allowance. 

  • Welcome to the community.

    You have my sympathy. I care for my elderly mum too and I appreciate how tough and demanding it can be. I couldn't even imagine being able to work all those hours as well.

    You need to take care of yourself and try to avoid a continual burnout cycle. Every time you burnout it becomes harder to come back from than the previous one. Any new job comes with lots of change and uncertainty, which we autists tend not to react well to. When you are already at breaking point it's probably not a good idea to take on something you have found too overwhelming in the past.

    As stated carers allowance is an option, but at something like £70 a week it's certainly not going to replace the salary from your job.

  • I couldn't put mum into a home I wouldn't cope with that

    Then don't, I looked after my dad so have an idea how you feel. I lost him 15 years ago and am happy I was able to be there for him.

    I think you should look into applying for the allowances that Desereaux suggests. You shouldn't have to be working; caring is a full time job. Maybe have a word with 'Age Concern'  I think they have much experience in these matters and may be able to advise.


  • You could apply for carers allowance if you look after your mother for 35 hours per week.. plus your mother could receive attendance allowance..