Life struggle

Hi I'm an Autistic adult I currently work 30hrs per week, I've never been able to maintain and job for longer than 4 years normal is 2/3 years.  I burn myself out and have to find a new job. 

It just all gets too much I can't cope my I have taken sickleave on my 3rd week and I really don't think I can go back. I have been looking for alternative employment but there's nothing going except care work which I have done but find deeply overwhelming.

Added to this I look after my Mum whohas advanced alzheimers. Everything has just gotten too much for me however I couldn't put mum into a home I wouldn't cope with that. 

Any advice


  • I couldn't put mum into a home I wouldn't cope with that

    Then don't, I looked after my dad so have an idea how you feel. I lost him 15 years ago and am happy I was able to be there for him.

    I think you should look into applying for the allowances that Desereaux suggests. You shouldn't have to be working; caring is a full time job. Maybe have a word with 'Age Concern'  I think they have much experience in these matters and may be able to advise.


  • I couldn't put mum into a home I wouldn't cope with that

    Then don't, I looked after my dad so have an idea how you feel. I lost him 15 years ago and am happy I was able to be there for him.

    I think you should look into applying for the allowances that Desereaux suggests. You shouldn't have to be working; caring is a full time job. Maybe have a word with 'Age Concern'  I think they have much experience in these matters and may be able to advise.


  • Thank you for your reply I have no intention putting mum into a "care" facility.

    I have a lifelong fear or being committed myself so the idea is terrifying.

    Unfortunately because I work I don't qualify for benefits. 

    Well done on looking after your Dad it's hard but can have rewards like you say.