Feedback appointment tomorrow

I had my assessments in May and will receive my feedback/outcome tomorrow. I am very anxious and trying to prepare for a No/Maybe.

How will I feel with a No/Maybe although I feel otherwise and struggle alot.

  • Oooh congrats!! It’s very liberating to get that confirmation! I wish I was told how long the report would be! I have been expecting mine soon… at least we have the important answer though! It’s nice to speak to people in the same boat! 

  • I feel I need a badge and a tshirt! :-) I dont resent my previous self but I perhaps have some upset with my mum not being able to get me the support in school. No wonder I needed a mentor for uni I struggled massively. and it was just anxiety and depression but felt it was much more complex than that, especially the interpersonal and socialising side of things.  My mum didnt have the emotional capacity to raise me at times due to serious mental illness and this explains why I was left with it undiagnosed. It feels like I have permisson to say the way I am and would greatly appreciate recommendation on books/biographies from women with Autism.

  • Hi Katy, 

    I was told I do have Autism, it is a massive relief. I will start by using this forum. As I am unemployed I am hoping I can regain some skills with volunteering up in a stock room of a charity shop and dog walking and online social media group although I struggle with more than . I do struggle massively with emails and intentions (reading between the lines) so on my signiture I have added please be direct with me. I am so pleased to be able to say comfortably I am an autistic person and have the professional validation. I am yet to receive my details report. This can take 1 month from the 21 August. I dont know where to start other than this forum to chat. 

  • I am happy for you DA that you have received your diagnosis and you are feeling relieved. 

  • Best of luck! How did you get on? I hope it went well for you Blush

  • I am very relieved and pleased to say I have been diagnosed with Autism.

    That is great news.

    I hope you don't have the issues some people do of feeling resentment that nobody diagnosed you before, or that your life was all a lie up to this point etc.

    Post diagnosis blues are quite common but it is healthy to see it as now knowing what is really going on and using this as a starting point. Look back and understand why things happened the way they did, don't resent them. Try to treat it as data if you can.

    Educate yourself on your condition and where you find yourself struggling (chances are high that you will) then get help. We can offer some help here but the most effective approach is with a therapist with autism experience.

    Welcome to the official badge wearing club of autism Slight smile

  • I am very relieved and pleased to say I have been diagnosed with Autism. They explained a full report will be available within 1 month. I am so glad the process is concluded and it was worth all the stress and self exploration. Thank you so much for your support here.

  • Your welcome. I hope the feedback went well and your feeling positive about the outcome

  • Thanks Ill do this, The team/administrator said we will give you your diagnsosis on this date and I jumped to conclusion of its a Yes? I know I shouldnt do but the words feedback and diagnosis were used interchangeably.

  • Thanks Debbie. Thats helpful.

  • Good luck!

    I understand the anxiety this causes- I told myself that regardless, it was good to start talking about my hidden struggles, so while I would have felt embarrassed if I wasn’t autistic, it’s still a good step talking about things openly. 

    I received my diagnosis last week, it was such a relief, but it doesn’t change anything, you’re still you, autistic or not. If you’re struggling, you will just look for ways to address those struggles… basically you will just keep going until you find the support you need or ways to make things easier.

    knowing I’m autistic doesn’t eradicate the challenges, so if your not autistic, your still in the same boat- “these are my challenges, how can I find a way to make these easier for me”. Knowing why you have challenges is comforting, I’m glad I now understand myself more, it answers questions I had and has given me confidence… but technically it’s not changed anything as yet. 

  • How will I feel with a No/Maybe

    Try writing it down.

    Take the page and turn it into 3 columns of equal size (turn it to landscape layout to make it easier).

    At the top of each column write Yes, No and Maybe

    Think what you will feel for each situation and write it down - just start with the first thing that comes into your head, and when you have run out of words, think how you will feel about the following and write answers in any columns they relate to:

    family - how will the diagnosis change how I feel about them?

    my past - will it make me think differently about how I have lived up until now?

    my plans - will it change any of these?

    my ambitions - will any change if I know I'm autistic?

    work - will I do anything differently now?

    partner / romantic intentions - will anything change with my existing relationship(s!) or how I plan to make new relationships?

    benefits - will I be able to do anything about these?

    This is largely going to occupy you for ages and take your mind off things until the session rather than actually do anything about them - you probably already know all the answers but may be afraid to look at them.

    Good luck and I hope it gives a positive outcome.