Feedback appointment tomorrow

I had my assessments in May and will receive my feedback/outcome tomorrow. I am very anxious and trying to prepare for a No/Maybe.

How will I feel with a No/Maybe although I feel otherwise and struggle alot.

  • Good luck!

    I understand the anxiety this causes- I told myself that regardless, it was good to start talking about my hidden struggles, so while I would have felt embarrassed if I wasn’t autistic, it’s still a good step talking about things openly. 

    I received my diagnosis last week, it was such a relief, but it doesn’t change anything, you’re still you, autistic or not. If you’re struggling, you will just look for ways to address those struggles… basically you will just keep going until you find the support you need or ways to make things easier.

    knowing I’m autistic doesn’t eradicate the challenges, so if your not autistic, your still in the same boat- “these are my challenges, how can I find a way to make these easier for me”. Knowing why you have challenges is comforting, I’m glad I now understand myself more, it answers questions I had and has given me confidence… but technically it’s not changed anything as yet. 

  • Thanks Debbie. Thats helpful.

  • Your welcome. I hope the feedback went well and your feeling positive about the outcome

  • Oooh congrats!! It’s very liberating to get that confirmation! I wish I was told how long the report would be! I have been expecting mine soon… at least we have the important answer though! It’s nice to speak to people in the same boat! 

  • Oooh congrats!! It’s very liberating to get that confirmation! I wish I was told how long the report would be! I have been expecting mine soon… at least we have the important answer though! It’s nice to speak to people in the same boat! 

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