Feedback appointment tomorrow

I had my assessments in May and will receive my feedback/outcome tomorrow. I am very anxious and trying to prepare for a No/Maybe.

How will I feel with a No/Maybe although I feel otherwise and struggle alot.

  • How will I feel with a No/Maybe

    Try writing it down.

    Take the page and turn it into 3 columns of equal size (turn it to landscape layout to make it easier).

    At the top of each column write Yes, No and Maybe

    Think what you will feel for each situation and write it down - just start with the first thing that comes into your head, and when you have run out of words, think how you will feel about the following and write answers in any columns they relate to:

    family - how will the diagnosis change how I feel about them?

    my past - will it make me think differently about how I have lived up until now?

    my plans - will it change any of these?

    my ambitions - will any change if I know I'm autistic?

    work - will I do anything differently now?

    partner / romantic intentions - will anything change with my existing relationship(s!) or how I plan to make new relationships?

    benefits - will I be able to do anything about these?

    This is largely going to occupy you for ages and take your mind off things until the session rather than actually do anything about them - you probably already know all the answers but may be afraid to look at them.

    Good luck and I hope it gives a positive outcome.

  • Thanks Ill do this, The team/administrator said we will give you your diagnsosis on this date and I jumped to conclusion of its a Yes? I know I shouldnt do but the words feedback and diagnosis were used interchangeably.

  • Thanks Ill do this, The team/administrator said we will give you your diagnsosis on this date and I jumped to conclusion of its a Yes? I know I shouldnt do but the words feedback and diagnosis were used interchangeably.

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