Rule 13: the last nail in NAS's coffin?

Today completes an important step for the National Autistic Society. Today with Rule 13 they complete the abdication of responsibility for supporting autistic adults reaching out for help.

You may remember in 2021 that the National Autistic Society closed its general helpline. There was a thread about it on this forum. As was pointed out at the time from that point onwards this forum became the only port of call at the National Autistic Society for help for people who did not qualify for one of the remaining helplines.

And the remaining helplines pertain to children in school, children leaving school and parents of autistic children. The National Autistic Society has become a defacto children’s charity leaving autistic adults out in the cold.

Now not content with refusing to help autistic adults they now seek to reduce autistic adults ability to help each other. I fully admit that a bunch of amateurs on an autistic support forum is a poor substitute for professional help. However the vast majority of those seeking such help now have nowhere to go professional or otherwise.

Some of you know that I also brought a lawsuit against an organisation for discrimination. I reached out to the citizens advice bureau and got no useful help. I reached out to the EASS and they said that they couldn’t help me because the other party would not engage with them. I wrote to established academics with a background in discrimination law and autism and they said they couldn’t help me.

Yes I rang that autism helpline back when it existed, back when I tried to get some justice and they said we can’t help you. But at least I spoke to someone who admitted that he was supposed to be able to help me. That helping me was what he was there for.

With regard to the law when you bring a case for discrimination most of the time legal aid is not available. This is in part because the majority of discrimination cases go through the small claims track which is intended to operate without lawyers.

Something similar applies to the health service. It’s very easy for autistic people to get sidelined in the health service particularly if they are bad at articulating their needs and concerns. Again I know this from personal experience.

At this point if autistic adults come to this forum or the loved ones of autistic adults come to this forum and say they are having difficulty with the law or discrimination or a medical issue rule 13 interpreted strictly means that we can provide no helpful advice other than pointing to sources of help that in fact do not exist.

For quite some time now I have run a website dedicated to helping autistic people defend their rights and oppose discrimination. I chose not to include a forum on that website because I was aware that policing it could involve a substantial amount of work. However this development has persuaded me to change my mind. So I’m announcing that now has a forum for autistic people. The focus of this forum like the website is advocating for autistic rights in government policy and the law and opposing discrimination. You are all very much welcome there.

  • Why isn't rule 13 an NAS disclaimer stating: "Any medical advices expressed or implied within this forum shall not be supported by the NAS."

    Perhaps with our collective unity against this current rule, they can be persuaded to take this above suggestion as forward thinking rather than placing yet more restrictive rules upon us as adult autistics.

  • Clare, what if Members can pass on advive that they have received themselves from Professional Servives, i,e A G,p etc ? 
    Is that still forbid ? 
    Is there a fine line between " Advice " And a  " Diagnosis" ?

  • Hi online community users,

    Thankyou for your post and comments on this thread. 

    Peer support is encouraged on this platform but as the rule states, users should not provide legal or medical advice. If you are unsure whether your  advice is legal or medical, please do get in touch with our moderation team by emailing .

    Moderators may remove posts that break any of the community rules (, without prior warning. However, often the approach is to post a rules reminder in the thread and contact the user directly. Banning members is something we try to avoid where possible although sometimes users will be placed into moderation for a set period of time.

    We hope this provides some reassurance, please do get in touch at the email address mentioned if you have further questions.

    Kind regards,

    Clare Mod

  • Could we have a share this discussion and explain the rationale behind these rules and how they are implemented, please?

  • What is a G.p on here ?
    A General Partypooper ?

  • Unfortunately in many places, GPs are no longer a viable service. Even if the government funds the NHS adequately it will take six or seven years to train and recruit more GPs. A&E is not much better unless you are a "blue light" critical care case. NHS 111 can offer advice, and I have known them to arrange a next-day GP appointment. Our local hospital has a GP-led clinic that deals with primary care patients who turn up at casualty, either because they are not registered with a GP or can't get an appointment.

    GPs always have been private businesses. Maybe what we need, certainly in major towns and cities, is a proper primary care facility, with salaried GPs, diagnostic facilities, and other health care professionals. It is ridiculous to visit your GP, and then be sent to the hospital pathology department for a blood test, for example. Some GP practices have counsellors,physiotherapists, and other services on-site. Others are one-man bands like something out of Dr Finlay's casebook.

  • Good idea because if we break " Rule 13 " which has not even been explained by definition we could get booted from this site.

  • That is the thing Iain, we will have to write a long " Disclaimer " with every message we type.

    The solution would then be for NAS to add a disclaimer on screen for all posts to that effect.

    Until they do then I'll add my own disclaimer so I can try to point people to sources of advice when they ask.

  • That is the thing Iain, we will have to write a long " Disclaimer " with every message we type.
    No wonder Those with ASD get frustrated at the best of times, But an ASD  SITE ? ! 
    Oh, the heck with it.

  • So what is the point of NAS now then if they will boot us off the site for helping each other ?

    I can't speak for NAS but we can still share our experiences and what worked for us, but disclaim that it is not advice and the OP should seek professional advice rather than from some anonymous random on the internet.

  • So what is the point of NAS now then if they will boot us off the site for helping each other ?
    Feed us to the Wolves.

  • I hate rules that shut down discussion of anything medical related with "see a professional." It's a minimum six-week wait to see my GP. It's often helpful to get an idea of what to do in the meantime from other people who have had the same experience.

  • What's Rule 14 going to be ?
    We won't be allowed to post anything ?

  • I thought the whole idea of NAS IS about support.
    Not allowed to offer Medical or Legal advice ?
    Even from experience ?
    What's the point then ?
    May as well call this site Facebook 2.

  • I think that everyone is jointly and severally responsible only for their own statements, the site cannot be unless, again if my law studies from some time ago still have value, you write directly to intervene on posts out of context and whoever is responsible does not do it.
    I believe that in every forum among the basic rules there is already this step everywhere.
    I once had rules added to an Italian psychology site.
    Because no moderator, nor the owner of the forum banned a child pedophile.
    This wrote things outside the permitted by Italian law.
    Only after my intervention, only an Asperger who was studying law, and a girl technically opposed every post written in violation of the rights of minors with me.
    The moderation's responses were cloying: they wrote that until he had said something contra legem, they could do nothing.
    I searched hundreds of posts for hours for different passages that these laws violated them.
    And I pointed them out publicly.
    This led to a peremptory change in the regulation.
  • Il percorso di studi per diventare Psicologo dura circa 6 anni, a cui vanno sommati gli intervalli di tempo necessari per preparare l'esame di abilitazione e l'iscrizione all'Albo. I requisiti fondamentali sono: aver conseguito una laurea triennale in Psicologia

  • Non conosco le vostre legislazioni: credo non siano tutte uguali, non ho informazioni in merito, me ne scuso.
    Negli ultimi decenni la legge italiana ha funzionato così:
    il percorso di studi che attende chi aspira a questa professione dura circa 7 anni, come 5
    sono quelli per il conseguimento della laurea, 1 è per la frequenza del tirocinio e un altro
     presumibilmente per la preparazione all'esame di stato, per l'iscrizione all'Albo degli Psicologi.
  • I hope I have understood the subject well. I note that in Italy this rule has been present in the forums for decades. The ratio of the rule is not to confuse people in need. That is., the rule is to protect people. I'll explain how it works in Italy. Anyone who violates the rule is first recalled and then banned from the forums. § Some things can be done. Share your own ideas and experiences. On legal and medical advice, people can be informed that there are laws, that there are therapies, but that any advice should be given by emphasizing that you ask a qualified person. § I read better and I hope I'm not wrong, if so please correct me. But the rule is the same here. § As you wrote in the final part, I think it's honest, sincere and correct as an interaction. You would by no means violate rule number 13 that you describe. § If I wrote: take the drug "XYZ" because you need it, it would be medical advice and at the same time a medical diagnosis (Even that is not allowed for example by us you get an immediate Ban if you do it) § It is a different thing to describe yourself, for example a drug "that has helped me in my situation and always ask the doctors" Sorry if I have not interpreted coherently what you wrote, let me know in the case and you will have my apologies.