
i just dont understand people.  why do they say one thing and do the opposite it makes no sense .  so if u text someone and say hi have you got time to text and they say yes no prob, then you send your message and they dont reply.  i cant cope with it why say its ok then not reply.  honesty makes complete sense that doesnt.  i wish et would come back to earth and pick me up

  • I don't understand them either.

    Here's a thing I really don't get, why people like flocking together, they seem compelled to do it. 

    I only mind if it impacts my life, I like space and solitude. 

    Wherever I go, somebody always comes along and invades my space. I don't go out in public alone often as it's hard for many reasons, but this is one of the things that I hate. 

    Public transport, rarely use, but if I do, someone always sits next to me, regardless of how much space there is. The vehicle can be empty and they still do it! 

    Or if I need to stop for a drink in a Cafe, the same. It can be empty, yet the next person to come in will always sit at the table next to me. Why??? 

    I hate it! It makes me very uncomfortable.

  • And worse, people invading my space will then try to engage me in conversation- aarrgh! That's really bad! I don't want to talk! A woman sitting alone is not an invitation for company! 

  • I stopped going into public spaces for many months because of this, I was tired of forcing myself to make conversation just to please others who deem my silence as awkward, when I just don't feel like talking most of the time. 

  • Yes, it's exhausting trying to make conversation, especially with strangers. Worse, if you don't say much some people take that as compliance and just keep going! They say, oh, you don't mind if I tell you about this do you? And you're thinking, well yes actually, yes I do mind, but they're oblivious. 

  • Yes, it's exhausting trying to make conversation, especially with strangers. Worse, if you don't say much some people take that as compliance and just keep going! They say, oh, you don't mind if I tell you about this do you? And you're thinking, well yes actually, yes I do mind, but they're oblivious. 

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