Congratulations to me?


I just finished my ASD screening and he diagnosed me very positively with autism. I 'meet and exceed' the criteria, apparently. I m 35 and have long suspected I am on the spectrum. 

Phew it feels like a bit of a relief actually, as my initial GP referral was sent this time last summer so it has been a bit of a waiting game. 

I went in with no idea what he was going to ask so was feeling really quite anxious and found some of the points really hard to discuss (I don't remember parts of my childhood) but we got there in the end. 

I sort of feel like celebrating a that weird? Tonight I will open a bottle of something nice maybe and raise a toast to me - haha. 

  • Hey Nathan! Are you in the UK? If so please contact your GP and tell them you want to do something called 'Right to choose' - this will fast track your application. 

    I am celebrating with a nice bottle of wine! 

  • Wow that's fast! I was referred a year ago and haven't heard anything yet. My friend who got referred a year before me recently got paperwork to fill in prior to the assessment so I guess I'll hear from them in 2024.

    Absolutely celebrate! Now you have info that can make your life better!

  • Hey Yes! The overwhelming feelings I got (after I stopped sweating from the stress of it all) was relief and validation. Relief that the whole process was over and validation that it isn't "all in my head" or that I'm just being crazy, etc. 

    I think as a woman often we are gaslit by medical professionals into it being 'not a big deal' or we're 'making a fuss' - so it was nice to be listened to and recognised. 

  • Congratulations! We're the same age and I also got diagnosed this year. It's such a relief to know that you were right about who you are, isn't it?

  • Congrats .. give it time to sink in.

  • Thanks Autumn.
    A new chapter = a new adventure.
    Your diagnosis can now set you free.
    P.s Holding out on the wine for a few hours is great, but getting sloshed on anything else inbetween does not  count ok ?  Scream

  • They tell me that trying to understanding the way that autism interacts with our mental health messes will make it easier to exist with all that stuff. 

    Ask me in 5 years if I feel less of an anxious mess, I guess. 

  • Thanks Def Leepard. I really like your name! 

    It does feel like a new chapter opening up. Hence the desire to celebrate! I'll hold out a few more hours before I open the wine. 

  • I think I just feel relieved mostly because I already knew this very strongly about myself, I just needed someone in 'charge' to give me the official diagnosis so I can freely and confidently finally know this deep down. 

    I have a lot of other diagnoses and also a lot of mental health problems, so it can be hard to unpick what is what. Is this an autism thing? Is this a trauma thing? etc. But I guess it's all just 'me' at the end of the day :)

  • Bet you feel a heck of a lot better now huh ?
    See ? You ARE who you are.
    Now just get to know yourself.
    I,ll drink to that also.
    Enjoy the new phase of your life !

  • I think celebrating is the most positive mindset you can have really. Which is not to say that someone whose natural reaction is more on the despairy or whatever side is wrong, but they probably have an extra obstacle between them and where they want to be. 

    So congratulations on yourself

  • "We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."

  • That's great to hear - good luck with the rest of the process. 

    I think buying fun t-shirts is a really great idea as a little present to yourself. 

    I don't have any friends or family around who I can celebrate with (everyone is busy, out of town or too far away) so I will be having a little drinky on my own, but that's okay. 

    I feel validated for having this nagging suspicion that something isn't quite right and always asking "Why am I like this???" so it is nice to know that this 'thing' has a name and I have been 'it' all my life already. 

  • Congratulations! 

    Yes congratulations are certainly in order and opening a bottle of something nice sounds like a great plan. :) 

    I had my pre diagnostic assessment last week and will get my diagnosis rubber stamped next week (hopefully!) To celebrate I've bought myself a fun t-shirt that says it's ok to be a little bit different. I've bought myself another fun t-shirt declaring my status as an autistic person which I will wear once the psychiatrist signs off my diagnosis.

    It's so good to realise you're not broken :) 

  • Aww well I am pleased that it is acceptable for me to celebrate myself :) it feels like a strange concept, but I suppose what I am really feeling is relief. I knew this about myself all along. 

    As you say, it is a new chapter. Thanks for your lovely words.

  • Congratulations and welcome to the best group in the world! Slight smile 

    I sort of feel like celebrating a that weird?

    Not weird at all! When I was diagnosed I celebrated. It's a new chapter of your life and self discovery, so much to discover and enjoy.

    I'm really pleased for you.