Does anyone else hate the Linux analogy?

Preface: I would do ANYTHING to be NT. ANYTHING. I hate having ASD and if there was a cure, I would take it without a second thought, because I would feel more feminine as an NT.

I especially do not like the analogy of NTs being Windows and NDs being Linux. I hate Linux. I don't want to be the nerd, the uncool one. I want to be Mac, a sleek, pretty, sexy Mac.

I hate the NDs are Androids and NTs are iPhones even more, and insist that it's the reverse, that NDs are iPhones and NTs are Androids, because iPhones are prettier, and I want to be the pretty, popular, feminine one. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Does anyone else feel this way?

    You seem quite passionate about the analogies, but they are imperfect because the two are not similar enough.

    We have physically the same bodies but our minds work differently. So considering the sleekness of Apple and Microsoft / Samsung etc devices is not relevant.

    It is more like a black labrador having a litter of puppies, most of which are black but there is one golden labrador.

    Think of us more as we have experiencing super powers in our brains but these come at a price where we don't really fit into society the same as others.

    You can deny your superpowers or embrace them - but in embracing them you can feel as powerful, confident and sexy as you want to - this is all in the mind.

    As for being pretty - give me a beautiful mind any day of the week. The appearance is irrelevant in the long run as age will take physical beauty from you and if you have no inner beauty left, what remains will be pretty uninteresting to yourself or anyone else.

  • Yeah, I'm just very vain, style conscious, and care a lot about my appearance and social status, hence my hatred for the implication that the NDs are the "inferior" models, combined with my denial of having ASD.

  • hence my hatred for the idea that the NDs are the "inferior" models

    Don't hate them for doing this - they are just not equipped with the brain potential we have.

    Feel sorry for them as they will not experience the same intensity of sensation that we do (it can hurt sometimes), they can't process things as well as most of us and they will never have the cudos of being the delux model of humans.

  • hence my hatred for the idea that the NDs are the "inferior" models

    Don't hate them for doing this - they are just not equipped with the brain potential we have.

    Feel sorry for them as they will not experience the same intensity of sensation that we do (it can hurt sometimes), they can't process things as well as most of us and they will never have the cudos of being the delux model of humans.

  • Yeah, I guess it helps that almost my entire extended family uses Android. And my old android phone is no longer functional as a daily driver, but all my iPhones are fine, except for my 2 iPhone 5's; they have "brain damage". 

  • Does that mean you need to be replaced every year or two? Just asking LoL.

    At least you are not a Tesla who would turn into a fireball in a crash.

    Hey, if the analogy works for you then own it Slight smile

  • Thank you. 

    I strongly prefer the ND = iPhone and NT = Android since iPhones tend to be more rigid/inflexible, and like to stick to one way of doing things, which relates to a lot of people with ASD, who tend to like to stick with one way of doing something because diverging from their way of doing things creates anxiety. That's why I insist ND's are iPhones.

    Plus iPhones are prettier.

  • I want to be pretty and feminine.

    Then be the prettiest you can be and the most feminie - doing it to conform to the ideas pushed by the media is a sure fire way to dissapoint yourself as they just want you to buy stuff from them to achieve whatever idea of beauty makes them most money.

    I worked in fashion for about 10 years (my wife had her own brand of womenswear accessories) so I got to see it up close and personal - the industry is an ugly place selling unrealistic ideals just to make the companies rich.

    Be authentic and through that as feminine and beautiful as you are - this will be picked up more than you may expect.

  • I see. The idea was that I want to be the Mac/iPhone, since they are prettier and more feminine, and I want to be pretty and feminine. 

  • And I agreed, I said don't hate the NTs for being wrong as they just don't really get it.

  • I said I hated the implications that neurodivergents are the inferior models.