I don't know how much more I can take

I don't know what to do anymore, im useless, load, and I'm always getting frustrated or I'm just to much for people to take what's the point anymore?

  • When we are in a bad place we reinforce it by constantly thinking the worst .... Things really are much better than you think when you are in that state.  Go for a walk, sing ... watch a nature documentary .. whatever you enjoy that will break the cycle of negative thoughts.

  • When I was approaching diagnosis, and the possibility that I may not be awarded the relief of diagnosis, I was constantly in a dark-place and clutching at straws. The ultimate object and draw of my attention was the question of meaning, the weighing of both my responsibility and of entitlement, and whether I or not I could justify carrying on, it boiled down to one thing. Righteousness. The closer I got to the void the greater impression that truth had on me. I’m glad that I realised my philosophical-truth before I found a diagnosis.
    Ultimately it is the right-thing to do to carry-on and take on the burden of life. The suffering that we experience, whilst doing right-things, allows us to be and see what is good against what is bad. If you follow-through with the right-thing then good will follow, not as a reward or a punishment or because of what you expect, but because you had done what you are meant to do and good things will have manifested.

    It is right not to be a slave. It is right to treat fairly with others. It is right to grasp the nettle. It is right not to shy-away from unreasonable-fears. It is right to seek manageable-responsibility. It is right to be accountable. The list goes on..

    Depressive-attacks go as quickly as then come I can assure you, in an amount of time you will find the path, try not to accept these extremes as peak-truth, peak-truth often is found in the most-dispassionate of moments. You’ll be fine and when you’re interest strikes again keep-on pushing at it, eventually you will gain-ground..:)

  • Stay positive. I know it's hard at the moment but better times are coming. Keep the faith and keep telling yourself you're going to get through this bad patch. We're all here for you x.

  • I hope you feel better soon Zachary. Just know that how you feel now won't last forever. These feelings come and then, thankfully, they go. The ideas that you are useless and too much for people are opinions and not facts. You're not useless, and maybe those people are too little for you. You're understandably frustrated. It's o.k to be frustrated. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get through it. I've been there. 

  • The more you tell yourself that you are useless the more you will believe it.
    You need to start thinking positive things until you believe thaat to.
    You are stuck in a rut My Man.
    Be positive.

  • I identify.  I need to have access to emergency mental health numbers to ring. 

    Yesterday I felt what what you are talking about. 

    It seems like most people posting  on this website know what you are going through.  There may be hope in sharing it here and coming up with solutions. 

  • Hang in there, Dude!

    We've all been through the wringer, before!