

Deleted as I am not allowed to ask for advice on here. Sorry I didnt know this.

thank you for being evil and reporting me as a spammer to NAS when all I wanted to ask for advice and you said I am not allwoed advice. I apologise and you call me spammer. You are horrible.

Parents Reply
  • You have to raise it again. And make a formal complaint that it was never followed up the first time around.

    The SS think they can get away with this because they are ableist that is to say they assume you are too st*pid and weak willed to stand up for yourself. And they rely on the fact that disabled people are often medically gaslit so you will question your own validity and let them take advantage of you.

    This is not a problem other minority groups have, because LGBTQ and ethnic minorities don't accept the lie that their human rights to not be discriminated against have limitations. The social services wouldn't dare pull this on a gay or Indian couple because of how it would look. They are relying on you not kicking up a big fuss about it so they can get away with trying to wear you down until you do exactly what they say regardless of whether it is in your best interests.

    Shout it far and wide, log the complaint with anyone and everyone who will listen and then after you have told all the official parties put it online in social media, tag your local politician if your letter private to them is ignored. Take it to your local press even if you don't think they will be immediately interested.

    The social services are also relying on you having communications problems so you won't cause a scene, if you can't talk to these people yurself get your partner to relay all the information to the appropriate people on your behalf, get friends and family if you can to also be ringing in to make complaints about the way you are being mistreated. They cannot all be ignored.

    You won't protect or win your rights by going quietly into the night.
