

Deleted as I am not allowed to ask for advice on here. Sorry I didnt know this.

thank you for being evil and reporting me as a spammer to NAS when all I wanted to ask for advice and you said I am not allwoed advice. I apologise and you call me spammer. You are horrible.

  • Since I was diagnosed as Autistic I have had non-stop issues with the local council who keep trying to claim that Autistic adults cannot be parents. We apparently emotional abuse our children because we "lack empathy and capability".

    I have now been told by the advocate that the council are not saying I have mental health issues, or that I lack capacity. The council are demanding that I go to a private psychological assessment to "determine what your needs are as an Autistic person".

    They have said if I do not do this assessment they will take my children away, yet have also written several times I do not need parenting assessments as I have proven I am able to look after the children absolutely fine. They seem obsessed with this psychological assessment and saying I "have needs" but also at the same time say they don't know what "those needs" are.

    This is discrimination, and they are backpedalling to try apear to be "reasonable" because they now realised how it looks. But you are not under obligation to jump through additional hoops to secure your right for housing or anything else simply because you are autistic. They are weaponizing your kids to terrorize you into complying so their "private" stooge can can say you should be in sheltered housing and evict you so they are not responsible for you in any way because tbh they think you are a "r*t*rd" and will be more hassle to them than the rent they get from you. I would seek some kind of legal assistance on the grounds of discrimination if I were you.

  • Sorry for wasting everyones time. I did not realise it was socially unacceptable to ask for advice on this forum. I am really sorry. Sorry everyone Disappointed

  • This still sounds like illegal discrimination to me to be honest.
    ""I was reported to social services when I Was diagnosed Autistic by the psychologist as they do this to Autistic parents. That is what I was told."" 
    This is a lie you were told. It is not required to report autistic people to social services just because they are autistic this is still ableist dicrimination. They should be able to say what their safeguarding concerns are without attributing it to autism based on ignorant stereotypes.
    Who is this advocate for you or social services?
    I think you need to record every interaction you have with them because if you don't comply it could go to court anyway but they will be the claimant and you the defendant, in which case you will be appointed a solicitor and need to be able to prove you were harrassed to jump through unecessary hoops. I also advise you never to see these people  or their assessors in person without a 3rd party witness of your choice. If they say you cannot record your own case that is suspicious and they have something to hide.

  • You report me as spammer after i apologise for offending you by asking advice. I did not know that wasnt allowed here. I do not understand your behaviour

  • I will delete my post. Sorry I offended everyone

    Who did you offend?

    Well that is a really confusing and non sequitur response to our conversation.

    Deleted as I am not allowed to ask for advice on here. Sorry I didnt know this.

    Also everyone here gave you perfectly kind and sensible advice, you just didn't seem to like any of it. That isn't our fault.

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