Turned down twice

My GP has referred me to the mental health team twice for autism assesment, I have been turned down twice. I dont know why, the letter is a standard letter and everything goes through the GP. I real feel i need an assesment and my AQ was 52. I have many of the factors, but i dont know what to tell them. Im really depressed and anxious about everyting. The other week i burst out crying in a job interview because everything was just to much. Obviously no hope of getting that! I have a job but i have been mimum wage for 20 years because im "not good with people".

If i was assessed and told i dont meet criteria, i could accept that but to be turned down just feels like i hit a wall. 

  • My GP ask for a list of reasons why I think I'm autistic, and that was the basis of me being referred ... i was quite a list ... as others have said, put it all down.

  • I’m not sure where you are, but the GP needs to refer you to the assessment team. This isn’t the mental health team. However, sometimes they send you to the mental health team first, and you have to attend treatments and go through hoops until they refer you to the adult assessment team.

    Go back and let them know exactly how this impacts you day to day and how it limits you. 

  • I went to my GP with a list of difficulties, as well as feedback I have had from others. She referred me straight away. 

  • Tell them everything! I suggest that you write to your doctor and Community MH team, saying why you think you need an assessment. Tell them everything! It's confidential, so dont be embarrassed. I used to put my behaviours/ symptoms, etc. down to being anxious and my childhood experiences. Until in my 50s, i realise there are far too many, so then the penny drops, and it all makes more sense. I think when that happens, we know. 

    In my experience a letter is much more helpful.

    They have likely refused an assessment, because your "symptoms" arent enough to go on. This is why it is important to be very open. 

    E.G. any childhood memories of how you were? Relationships? Repetive behaviours? Overwhelmed? Leading to anxiety & depression? Melt downs? Uncontrolable emotions? 

    If you dont succeed raise a " concern" with the health board. X

  • There is the 'Right to Choose' option where your GP can refer you to have an autism assessment done by a private provider, but the NHS pays. See the information here as an example: psychiatry-uk.com/.../

  • Can you ask for a second opinion with another GP? Also say you have been turned down twice (mental health team); I've got a face to face GP appointment which is miracle. 

    I had OH appointments which was cancelled and gave a copy to the supervisor saying I didn't attend (in the middle of the pandemic); it's a long story.

    Hope this helps you.

    I had a friend who used me.