Do you wear a bra?

I have spent my whole life looking for a comfortable bra, but to no avail.

When decency allows I go without but I gave up doing that outside after some embarrassing experiences.

So, I have thrown away more uncomfortable bras than I've had hot dinners (slight exaggeration).

It's only struck me this evening (light a bolt of lightning, but less dramatic) that as other women seem to tolerate them, maybe it's the autism that makes me hate them and be constantly aware of a section of my body being squeezed.

I wonder if others on here have similar experiences?


  • Nope not if I can help it. Luckily I mainly work from home so its fine. When I do wear one it feels so uncomfortable and itchy too. 

  • My mother bought me a couple when I was a teenager, but since then, no. I'm in my late 30s. I sometimes wear a binder if I want to wear a slimmer fit shirt as I like to look flat.

    I can't stand the band at the bottom of a bra, which seems to be a universal feature. Binders are tight on the squishy part of the chest rather than lower down on the ribs so are a lot more comfortable.

  • Interesting.

    Although I wore jewellery when I was young, I don't tend to wear it at all now and like you, I wear loose clothing although when I was young I tended to not dress to please myself but to please others.

  • Hello there, I don't like to wear a bra either and a great thing about winter is that nobody notices. I wear it only when I absolutely have to, to avoid unwanted attention, intrusive stares that make me feel so uncomfortable or in a work meeting when the clients don't need to be distracted or "offended" not sure why some might see it as a sign that I'm not taking them seriously?!?!. I really prefer to not wear it although I do have the comfiest ones I could find. Similarly I dislike wearing a ring, bracelet, a watch or tight neck accessory, tight pants, headbands or anything that feels like it's grabbing and circulating me. Even tight or firm shoes bother me. I also dislike wearing glasses! They tickle my nose where they sit. Also no earrings..