Poetry/prose sharing

This is a thread that has come out of a discussion between myself and Steven.

We have had 2 other shared threads that have come about in this way: Paranormal and Creative.

Please share your poetry, either something you have written, or one that you like/has meaning to you.

Prose is welcome too.

Here's my contribution from Yeats for starters:

He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven: Yeats

Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

  • Edgar Allan Poe is widely believed to have been autistic. I certainly identity with this…

  • Yes, The Lord of the Rings is full of bits of verse. It made me cringe when I first read the book at around 12 years old but I realise now he was really good at it. 

    This is one of the best known examples:

  • April Fools Day

    I shine my flashlight

    Back at the moon

  • Thank you for that very poignant poem.

    I wasn't aware that Tolkien was also a poet.

    It's nice to see old threads resurface.

  • I Sit Beside The Fire and Think by JRR Tolkien


    I sit beside the fire and think

    Of all that I have seen

    Of meadow flowers and butterflies

    In summers that have been


    Of yellow leaves and gossamer

    In autumns that there were

    With morning mist and silver sun

    And wind upon my hair


    I sit beside the fire and think

    Of how the world will be

    When winter comes without a spring

    That I shall ever see


    For still there are so many things

    That I have never seen

    In every wood in every spring

    There is a different green


    I sit beside the fire and think

    Of people long ago

    And people that will see a world

    That I shall never know


    But all the while I sit and think

    Of times there were before

    I listen for returning feet

    And voices at the door

  • As death is being discussed in another thread, I thought of this song by Leonard Cohen, Who by Fire:

    And who by fire, who by water
    Who in the sunshine, who in the night time
    Who by high ordeal, who by common trial
    Who in your merry merry month of may
    Who by very slow decay
    And who shall I say is calling?
    And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate
    Who in these realms of love, who by something blunt
    Who by avalanche, who by powder
    Who for his greed, who for his hunger
    And who shall I say is calling?
    And who by brave assent, who by accident
    Who in solitude, who in this mirror
    Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand
    Who in mortal chains, who in power
    And who shall I say is calling?
  • Hiya all

    Ive loved poetry for all of my life, both writing and reading. I have had many published including in magazines, a national broadsheet newspaper, four pamphlets and a full length collection. I no longer bother much about publication but write most days for pleasure and as an incredible kind of creative self therapy  

    This unpublished one is about my cat Tree. I rescued her in 2019 from Cats Protection

    Tree (her first poem) 

    The Curly Gurl

    The curling-kat

    drifts like a puck on ice

    through my life.

    A purring-kat

    all fuss-and-gifting

    her love, an unconditional.

    As I thinks on in the ice,

    she is excellence, rescued

    to my bright home.



  • I am not here, I am gone

    to travel tracks and lines alone, 

    to walk between this life and one

    of dreams - as many more have done

    before me in the shadowseas

    of time, the mists of memory

    Friend of moments, days, of years,

    Spare thought of me, and still your tears

    for all the words we couldn't say - 

    We'll meet again, one distant day,

    In some familiar, far-off place...

    Be sure that I will know your face.

  • I wrote this 'teenage angst' poem when I was 14 (I'm 51 now), after watching Dead Poet's Society at the cinema. I've not written anything since.


    Of life, I have little.

    Of love, I have none.

    As seasons drift by,

    My winter stays on.

    I sit here alone,

    With harsh, frosted breath.

    My heart freezing over.

    I live a long death.

  • ClapClapClap Excellent! Joy

    The BURGLAR is lucky to have you on his side! 

    The defence understands that due to the high level of publicity received by the dragon since the start of this case, he has accepted a contract for a 3 x movie deal and is now so rich that he's actually grateful to the potential burglar.. 

    In the circumstances, he may keep the Ming vase... 

  • Objection! Speculation! The prosecution couldn’t have know that the ‘home’, which the dragon had previously commandeered from the dwarfs, was broken into, owing to the damage that the dragon has caused upon entry into the ‘home’!  

    My client, the defendant, had thought the property was occupied by squatters, and had endeavoured to help those in need of the word of the lord.. he is innocent of these spurious allegations.. and is very brave to have give testimony here today, despite the psychological distress, caused by the dragon in this case!

    It was the dragon’s vicious-flurry of igneous-breath, that caused that Ming vase to land in my clients satchel, my client was merely saving it permanently from harm!

  • Joy Malicious?? MALICIOUS??

    That dragon - surely one of God's creatures himself - was sleeping! Absolutely minding his own business, guarding treasure- which, let's be honest here, is totally in his job description. 

    Sleeping, minding his business, doing his job, when this BURGLAR broke into his home! 

    The dragon is the injured party here and the burglar owes him compensation of... let's say a thousand leaflets, which should be easy for a door-to-door salesman..

    If they didn't all get burned in the fire... 

  • Have I discovered ultimate dragon-slayer strat’..?

    Hmm... Thinking

  • And wasn’t it Jesus that said ‘where one door closed, god opens a window’, this man was an upstanding-faithful citizen! And this malicious BEAST cut him down!! Sob ..

    Batteries sold separately, from Bandai, terms and conditions apply..

  • If you can prove the break part and the intention to enter for unlawful reasons..

    Have I discovered ultimate dragon-slayer strat’..?!Thinking

  • Well if he never managed to burgle anything, before being caught, he’s just a innocent-trespasser


    Breaking and Entering, 6 years in jail...  

  • Well if he never managed to burgle anything, before being caught, he’s just a innocent-trespasser.. if the dragon caught him in the halls, he’d never have managed to complete the act.. THUS.. the dragon is the only criminal..

    The dragon owes the burglar 1million gold pieces in reparations, for the harm done, plus lost labour as he is unable to continue his small-business forever. Which was dedicated to bringing the community closer to Jesus Christ, through door-to-door charity-work, totally innocently..Cry

  • Laughing It's illegal to BE a burglar! 

    Looks like he's in trouble either way! 

  • It’s illegal to attack a burglar, sooo, that law suit would cost the dragon his hoard..Sunglasses

    So let’s hope the burglar survived to tell the FEDS!!

  • Let's hope he wasn't in the hall when the fires started...