Poetry/prose sharing

This is a thread that has come out of a discussion between myself and Steven.

We have had 2 other shared threads that have come about in this way: Paranormal and Creative.

Please share your poetry, either something you have written, or one that you like/has meaning to you.

Prose is welcome too.

Here's my contribution from Yeats for starters:

He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven: Yeats

Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

  • One of mine... which on another thread I mentioned to  and the departed Goosey...


    Sleep, soft as Ages, Silent, antique tombs of men,

    Of King's kin, Giants, long unsung, un-kenned,

    Earth-eaten in every-night lie. Gold dimmed,

    far from Sun's gaze - He is Lord here.

    Light at last comes, Unbidden, Blade-Bright.

    Life at last comes - Earth-flowers blossom

    Rare in radiant hues revealed, Gold-gleam mirrors

    In Man's eye, mute in awe, Marauder of His hoard-hall.

    Slow-waking, world wary, Silver-eye too late sees

    His loss, loved grail of Old, of gold-ringed Kings.

    Beneath Day's bitter gaze He bides, for Moon's sight seeks

    stalking scattered stillness, He in grief and sorrow sings.

    Stealthy Night comes in, fierce friend of flame-joy risen, Fearless flight

    of blazed wing borne above. Battle-bold, through Star-sea sails

    With fiery trail, vengeance fixed, for heart's trove taken.

    Bright as Summer's sun, burn the halls of Men. 

  • That’s exceeds my ability to perceive just how good it is, so I’m in awe, a new bar has been set..Innocent

  • Nerd I'm pleased you like it! 

    I am a bad judge of my own work, I can never tell... 

    In this case, I am definitely on the dragon's side! 

  • ClapClapClap Excellent! Joy

    The BURGLAR is lucky to have you on his side! 

    The defence understands that due to the high level of publicity received by the dragon since the start of this case, he has accepted a contract for a 3 x movie deal and is now so rich that he's actually grateful to the potential burglar.. 

    In the circumstances, he may keep the Ming vase... 

  • ClapClapClap Excellent! Joy

    The BURGLAR is lucky to have you on his side! 

    The defence understands that due to the high level of publicity received by the dragon since the start of this case, he has accepted a contract for a 3 x movie deal and is now so rich that he's actually grateful to the potential burglar.. 

    In the circumstances, he may keep the Ming vase... 

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