autistic venn diagrams

hi everyone,

i was just wondering if anyone was aware of the venn diagram between autism and the following things:

1) autism and veganism

2) autism and animal rights activism

2) autism and non-cisgendered gender identity

3) autism and queerness

i'm interested in the correlations/stats around this and any information about it that is out there.



  • I would be cautious about any 'evidence' of a correlation between autism and non-cisgendered identity, and one of victim groups of children being coerced into claiming trans identity is confused autistic children.

    We all know how baffelling the world is when you are autistic, thinking there is something wrong with you ... and along comes an activist who tells you being trans will solve all your concerns ... with life destroying consequences for many.

    And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

  • along comes an activist who tells you being trans will solve all your concerns ... with life destroying consequences for many.

    And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

    These were your words Touay. You are derailing the post by saying that there is a trans ideology, that trans people are victims of this ideology and that activists have an ideology that they are imposing on people and destroying their lives. I don't know where you got this information from but it is simply incorrect. There have always been trans people, just as there have always been autistic people. If someone said to you that autism activists told you that being autistic would solve all your problems, that there's an autism ideology, that you are a victim of autism ideology, how would you feel? Can you see why people are upset about what you said? 

    Peter was asking for information about correlation between autism and other identities, he wasn't asking for personal opinions about what you think about an identity. 

  • Peter was asking for information about correlation between autism and other identities, he wasn't asking for personal opinions about what you think about an identity.

    And I never gave any.
    'off topic' is, as you have done, lying about what i said so you have an excuse to throw hate at me.

  • It wasn't an accusation. You did say confused autistic children being coerced by trans activists. Saying that vulnerable children are being coerced is not correct. You then go on to say it yet again. 

    Trans people have to fight to exist. Trans people are discriminated against. You might think there's a plan by "fake" trans people to push some kind of agenda and of course that's up to you. I asked you to consider how you would feel if the word "trans" was replaced with "autistic". This is a public forum and in any community there will be members that are LQBTQA. You're not being victimised because some people are kicking back against what you said, which is your opinion and not fact, even if there are some "reports" that back up your opinion. I could say that there's a far right Christian ideology to make all children heterosexual, giving examples of gay conversion therapy, medical care being banned, school policies on youth and sex education, books banned, drag acts banned, etc., etc., Oh, wait! Isn't that actually reality? It's not on lgbtqa people to prove they are worthy of existing and have rights because someone brings up the worst examples of a person's behaviour that happens to be trans, just as it's not on heterosexual people to prove they have the right to exist and have rights if a person behaves badly and they happen to be heterosexual. You're not being victimsed or hated on because some people point out the fallacy of your argument. 

  • TLDR on that other post, AuDHD aint got spoons for that, but why do you think anyone would be daft enough to go extra against the grain if they weren't already doing so off their own back because that's just how they naturally are, as if being mariginalised and putting yourself even more in the firing line of bigots was some kind of cushy "lifestyle"?
    Also adults are struggling to transition, even if it was logistically possible nobody is transitioning kids, that's just an outright lie and if you are gonna claim that nonsense again you are gonna have to back it up with sources from respectable medical journals that aren't funded by bias parties. You are welcome here as an autist but you don't get to come in here and disrespect this whole community by trying to sell us lies about other or further marginalised people in this community and smear our allies unchallenged, that's just not cricket.

  • The problem is, these confused kids are desperately lonely and unable to understand why they do not fit it and manage with other people.  Along comes an activist and tells them they are trans ... and as soon as the kids says ok, they are showered with praise by everyone ... they social pressure then means they are trapped an have to maintain the lie. there a videos on line (YT) by some of these people describing what happened.
    So no, they do not have a gun to their heads, it is social pressure .. which is why i say 'coerced'.

    And as I said in the post you replied to, if someone wants to be trans ... GO FOR IT ... whatever makes you happy.  Lets just be sure that the reason we are transitioning kids is because it will benefit them and not that it will forward the ideology of those pushing it.

  • No ones forcing kids to be trans. It's personal choice man.

    If someone wants to be a different gender its there call. No ones forcing them its their choice

    And it makes them happy so why shouldn't it be celebrated?

  • No ones forcing kids to be trans. It's personal choice man.

    If someone wants to be a different gender its there call. No ones forcing them its their choice

    And it makes them happy so why shouldn't it be celebrated?

  • TLDR on that other post, AuDHD aint got spoons for that, but why do you think anyone would be daft enough to go extra against the grain if they weren't already doing so off their own back because that's just how they naturally are, as if being mariginalised and putting yourself even more in the firing line of bigots was some kind of cushy "lifestyle"?
    Also adults are struggling to transition, even if it was logistically possible nobody is transitioning kids, that's just an outright lie and if you are gonna claim that nonsense again you are gonna have to back it up with sources from respectable medical journals that aren't funded by bias parties. You are welcome here as an autist but you don't get to come in here and disrespect this whole community by trying to sell us lies about other or further marginalised people in this community and smear our allies unchallenged, that's just not cricket.

  • The problem is, these confused kids are desperately lonely and unable to understand why they do not fit it and manage with other people.  Along comes an activist and tells them they are trans ... and as soon as the kids says ok, they are showered with praise by everyone ... they social pressure then means they are trapped an have to maintain the lie. there a videos on line (YT) by some of these people describing what happened.
    So no, they do not have a gun to their heads, it is social pressure .. which is why i say 'coerced'.

    And as I said in the post you replied to, if someone wants to be trans ... GO FOR IT ... whatever makes you happy.  Lets just be sure that the reason we are transitioning kids is because it will benefit them and not that it will forward the ideology of those pushing it.