autistic venn diagrams

hi everyone,

i was just wondering if anyone was aware of the venn diagram between autism and the following things:

1) autism and veganism

2) autism and animal rights activism

2) autism and non-cisgendered gender identity

3) autism and queerness

i'm interested in the correlations/stats around this and any information about it that is out there.



  • I would be cautious about any 'evidence' of a correlation between autism and non-cisgendered identity, and one of victim groups of children being coerced into claiming trans identity is confused autistic children.

    We all know how baffelling the world is when you are autistic, thinking there is something wrong with you ... and along comes an activist who tells you being trans will solve all your concerns ... with life destroying consequences for many.

    And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

  • I would be cautious about any 'evidence' of a correlation between autism and non-cisgendered identity, and one of victim groups of children being coerced into claiming trans identity is confused autistic children.

    We all know how baffelling the world is when you are autistic, thinking there is something wrong with you ... and along comes an activist who tells you being trans will solve all your concerns ... with life destroying consequences for many.

    And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

  • along comes an activist who tells you being trans will solve all your concerns ... with life destroying consequences for many.

    And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

    These were your words Touay. You are derailing the post by saying that there is a trans ideology, that trans people are victims of this ideology and that activists have an ideology that they are imposing on people and destroying their lives. I don't know where you got this information from but it is simply incorrect. There have always been trans people, just as there have always been autistic people. If someone said to you that autism activists told you that being autistic would solve all your problems, that there's an autism ideology, that you are a victim of autism ideology, how would you feel? Can you see why people are upset about what you said? 

    Peter was asking for information about correlation between autism and other identities, he wasn't asking for personal opinions about what you think about an identity. 

  • And i should add, that the actual trans people are also victims of the 'trans ideology' as pushed by the activists.

    Don't speak for me with your concern-trolling.

  • Obviously an emotive subject if people are either unwilling or unable to argue against the point i actually made and instead argue against something i didnt say.

  • I wonder what activists are you talking about would tell people "be trans and solve your problems" or push for "trans ideology" (whatever you mean by that)?!?

  • My closest friend is a trans woman who is autistic too. I've never met anyone who knows who they are or what needs they have more than this person. They are going through a lot of difficulties with their health, family and society fighting for their identity. I don't think that someone who doesn't know who they are would go through all this in order to be true to themselve. 

  • People aren't confused. They know who they are. It's patronising to suggest that an autistic trans person couldn't have realised that on their own.

  • I'm gay, and people used to say the same things about gay people, claiming we were all made gay by gay activists. That's how Clause 28 came about - supposedly protecting children from the knowledge that being gay is perfectly ok.

    I may be autistic, but that doesn't mean I'm not capable of realising I'm not heteronormative. The parallels to the past are stark in this regard - here's a party advertising poster from the 1987 election to show how this stuff just doesn't go away.

    Poster showing e1987 conservative party election messaging.

    PS: Not interested in an argument, so I'll likely not respond further.