Stimming, dropped masks, and alcohol?

After having a discussion with a neurodivergent friend the subject turned to stimming, anyway said friend (suspected ocd/adhd) suggested that in their experience stimming increased with alcohol consumption in their opinion because alcohol lowers inhibitions it also removes the mask of neurodivergent folks. So I have a question to ask all the Adults here, have you noticed an increase or change in stimms when you drink alcohol?

Please do not go out of your way to drink to "find out" but if you do happen to drink anyway please drop your observations (if you remember them) here.
  • Thinking about it more. Well it's actually interesting to think about it. I can be less socially anxious after few drinks. Is this unmasking?.

  • I think that I'm trying to ask. Is social anxiety part of the mask?. If yes then I definitely mask less with alcohol hehe.

    I think that I'm confused because masking is a way to blend in. Smile more, look in the eye, talk more which are just ways to hide how uncomfortable I am with a certain social context. Alcohol makes me talk more, more energy, less anxiety so it passes in my description as perfect mask.

  • Well, sorry for adding more and more replies but it's interesting to me. Well, true that I tend to have more energy, as jump and run or dance. Much les anxiety and slightly more chatty thanks to that but the reasoning behind the change is very different. I say more, but more of what I actually think or feel at the moment. Not more of what I think is acceptable. Still, if I want to handle a social situation well, alcohol is helpful so I've always considered it "the ultimate mask". 

  • No. It's just the first time I realise that being socially comfortable is still me being my true unmasked self. I've always connected my authentic self to social anxiety as if it's the only truth I could possibly live. Therefore, I considered alcohol just another way to mask. Now, I'm thinking well, maybe not. Maybe I actually can be genuinely socially comfortable sometimes and that would still be my true self!. I have been uncomfortable in certain social contexts specially in group chats since I was a kid.

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