Do you look younger than your age?

Do you look younger than your age?

Could this be autism related?

 An autistic friend mentioned this to me the other day and then it was commented on in a thread here today.

I do look younger than my age and so does my friend - maybe by as much as a decade (on a good day).

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  • yes this is me - second guessing myself as to what I really think feel, see etc. I throw the i ching alot at those times to get a "picture". It helps but I can be over dependent on it.

  • Agreed.  But my struggle is not what I'm trying to decipher of other peoples perception of struggle is, was and remains deciphering what I think of my own reality or my perception of it !

    I know - this all strays into meta bs - but I think it is worth voicing these things.  Its the internal battles with ourselves and our own perceptions, and our own perceptions of other peoples perceptions that ultimately pose the risk to our mental health.

    A couple of our number are makes you think.

  • Oh man.  Don't get me started on numbers.  I'm a crazy mix of chaos with the digits and linear time and measurements.  I'm definitely somewhat 'other' in these respects.  Don't know or care too deeply....but like I say, interesting though.

  • Yes, I find this too - that perception of reality is so different in one person to the next. We’re in our own reality bubbles to some extent, each looking through different glasses. It’s why sometimes you’ll get someone say ‘isn’t your man there the spitting image of… so and so (famous usually)’ and one person will say ‘yes!’ And another will say ‘not even remotely’. But each thinks the other is blind.  
    Three people in my life have independently concluded and told me that I look like a certain baldy royal but never has anyone else  brought up the same comparison even slightly. In work there was even a ‘who does everyone look like’ chat one day and I waited to see if that one would be said. Nope. And I wasn’t going to lead the witness so have never prompted the comparison (mostly because I don’t really see it myself).  So, reality is just fundamentally weird like that. How do we rely on anyone’s lens as perceiving something reliably definitive… we can’t. 

  • You don’t remember by what margin? I know someone else who told me this too. I asked was he just a year off at least and he said no, sometimes several. His brain just can’t hold the number. I can’t even imagine not being able to approximate but it shows how different we all are.