Meet Ups For Adults

What have your experiences been like?

  • I wish that too. In the past I've tried to suggest that so it's fair and explained my anxieties but they weren't willing to do it. I'm hoping I'll meet the right man eventually.

  • No. I doubt it . You just haven't found the right person who understands your needs. Wouldn't it be better if they negotiated with you and you both agreed on a location that was safe and you were comfortable ? why do people have to be so inconsiderate ?

  • Everywhere potential partners wanted to meet was a meltdown trigger for me. Think I'll be single forever lol. 

  • I struggle with not being heard or seen too. I pass in social events as "is she even here?". Sometimes I get interrupted, talked over or ignored completely. I don't like to raise my voice to get attention. I feel like I have found people who can relate to my experiences here more than any other community. I wouldn't call it a tribe because I like to choose each member of my tribe very carefully. For now my tribe has very few people in it, each in a different country but still. I know how it feels to not be answered to or seen. I also get annoyed when my thread isn't replied to while I find it important while other that I find less interesting have loads of replies, but each has different interests I guess even in one community. 

  • I've never been to one . I would be quite curious though. I am also curious about dating . I've found some ASD dating sites but where would you agree to meet someone ? there is no way on God's green earth would you find me in a restaurant or somewhere noisy or busy. There is too much 'outside' outside.

  • I've only been to one and it was a disaster. Massive panic attack. Blood pressure issue. Hospital admission. I never went again lol.

  • I thought loads of people would reply lol. Everyone always says ‘find your tribe’ which personally I detest. But, how many tries until you do fid them?

    I never seem to connect. I don’t know if I’m more social that others, despite having social anxiety. I can still speak to people within a group, but I don’t get much response. It’s like flogging a dead horse, and I am very patient with others. Maybe I need to find a different group, or even a group of people that are interested in what I am interested in, instead of them also having to be autistic. 

  • I have never tried them, but to me they sound like a good way to connect with similay-minded people. 

  • I see. Thank you for explaining 

  • Hi, I was diagnosed last year and went to an autistic adult meet up not long after. It was realy lovely connecting and finding my 'tribe'. We shared our experiences of receiving our diagnosis as adults and our difficulties prior to diagnosis. It was very heartwarming. But, a man at the meeting took a real liking to me and wanted more than just friendship. He had a real negative affect on my mental health. Unbeknownst to him, I developed a fixation. I knew it wouldnt end well as his communication skills were poor and meeting up was always on his terms. I'm having to deal with the after effects of it now which is pretty stressful tbh. Also, I made a lovely kind hearted friend but one time I completely forgot that we had arranged to have a zoom chat. I apologised and explained why I had forgotten (it was around the buzz of Christmas time). She told me to respect her which realy upset me as I've always been a respectful and kind person. So for me it started off lovely but didn't end well unfortunately. I think its important to be self aware and to take it slowly with knew friendships. I've learnt from it but it hasn't stopped me from looking for the right neurodiverse friends. Best of luck with it and I hope I haven't sounded too negative and put you off!! 

  • Presumably meet ups with adult autistic groups. Closest I’ve come to that was some time prior to diagnosis when I was for a year or so in a social anxiety support group. It was at a time when I was having a real mental unraveling and just to not be alone was pretty helpful and consoling for an hour a fortnight. I suspect with hindsight that there were other undiagnosed autistics in that room, or maybe one or two with a diagnosis.

  • Experience with what?. I don't get the question