Fictional characters - need to cheer myself up

Had an utterly c**p day, mainly due to work so looking to come up with a fun conversation to take my mind off things

So, if you could be best friends with one fictional character who would it be? And if you could date one fictional character who would it be?
They can be people off TV shows, films, books, comics anything

Mine (at the moment) would be 

Best friend - Hawkeye Pierce from MASH
Dating - Chrissy Plumber (Paula Wilcox) from Man About The House 

  • Best friend Lisa Simpson

    Pen friend heather small (m people)

  • Hi Billy. This post is quite a few days old so I hope you're having a better day today.

    I already have a wonderful best friend, but if I could have another from fiction, I would pick The Third Doctor because he's my favourite incarnation. He's strong and kind, and I would always feel protected.

    How fantastic must it be to travel across time and space with a best friend!? 

    I couldn't think of anyone I'd like to date at first—and then it came to me. I'd like to date Clark Kent! Because he's mild-mannered and calm, but then we could fly up and away over the city every once and a while. Also, if we got serious, I'd like the idea of living on a farm in America. That lifestyle always feels appealing.

    If only there were real superheroes in real life! Most people, including myself, are disappointing.

  • Sorry your day was rubbish. Keep your chin up, it can only get better :) 

    Love this thread!

    Best friend - Data from Star Trek the Next Generation as he is socially awkward like me and can't help but info dump on everybody who will listen :) 

    Date - I don't feel attractions to anyone however I will say 10th Doctor from Doctor Who as he was wonderful and whacky and I thought he was gorgeous. 

  • I did like Sherlock, but the character played by Benedict Cumberbatch seemed quite different to the Holmes of the books. I prefer Jeremy Brett's interpretation of the role.

    • My eldest son loved Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch, The Imitation Games was filmed partly in our town. My son got to watch the filming and said he had a “man crush”  for Benedict, how nice that he could tell his dad how he was feeling.
  • Wait, do you mean Graham? Dan? There might well be an Owen too, my brain is like Swiss cheese these days. 

  • I'd go be best friends with SpongeBob square pants. Dating well maybe few, Tony Hastings from Nocturnal Animals or Yorkie fron San junioero in black mirror 

  • Best friend: Sherlock Holmes. I know I would be expected to say the Doctor, but much as I like Doctor Who, I don't think I could bear to be friends with any of them in real life, except perhaps the second and fifth.

    Date: I can't remember her name (EDIT: Verity Kindle, according to Wikipedia), but I liked the main female character in Connie Wills' To Say Nothing of the Dog when I read it years ago and my (admittedly wonky) memory of the book is that she's more than a little like my real-world fiancee.

  • Mine are:

    Best friend: 11th Doctor Who because he's so silly and fun like Moi ;) 

    Date: Owen from Doctor Who (Jodie Whittaker series) because he's such a lovely and funny man, both excellent qualities.

    I love Doctor Who... I wish I could live in that world.

  • LOL.

    I did think afterwards that you could hardly find 2 characters with greater contrast ie Norman Bates + Atticus Finch...

  • That's an interesting choice of date, Debbie. I'm relieved you would have no desire to allow Norman Bates to demonstrate (on you) his technique for bumping people off when they're taking a shower. Wink

  • I had to give this a considerable amount of thought... for all of about 5 seconds. Wink

    Best friend: 14th Doctor Who - I probably wouldn't want to accompany him on his adventures, but I would probably enjoy hearing about them. Also, if my washing machine broke down, or my kettle suddenly stopped working, I reckon he would soon be able to get them working again with the use of his sonic screwdriver. 

    Dating: Bridgerton character Simon Bassett 

  • Sending virtual hugs!

    Sorry your day was bad I hope today is a lot better.

    Best friend: Harry Potter!

    I feel like it would be fun having him as a best friend, he's always have your back no matter what and he's just an all round cool guy.

    Date: Thor! Heart eyesHeart

  • Dating - Chrissy Plumber (Paula Wilcox) from Man About The House

    Not Chrissy for me.  I always liked Jo (Sally Thomsett)  in Man about the house she plays her real age, in the railway children she played an 11 year old when in real life she was 20.

  • Mine would be:

    Best friend- Mina Harker (née Murray) from Dracula. She's kind and clever and brave, and she likes to go to Whitby on holiday. I think she's great.

    Dating- Havelock Vetinari from Discworld. He's my 'type' aesthetically speaking, and he cares about the important things much more than some of the other characters (and some readers!) realise. Admittedly he doesn't seem especially interested in the sort of activities that might be implied by dating, but neither am I really Joy

  • Norman Bates is certainly a risky one!
    I love Gregory Peck, he comes across as such a nice guy in every film he does (with the exception of Boys From Brazil) My favourite of his was Roman Holiday 

  • WPC Annie Cartwright   (Liz White)  Life on Mars

    100% agree! I had a big crush on her when I watched Life on Mars

  • Friend: Tyrion from Game of Thrones.  He's smart, funny, socially smart (so he'll serve as protection), a great conversationalist that speaks about deep matters, and ethically-guided.  He also has a soft heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things Heart. I might have picked Jon, but he's not as good at conversations and it would be weird because of the next person.

    Date: 100% Ygrette from Game of Thrones (I'm on a kick lol).  No else even comes close.  She's such a loyal bad *ss.  It sucks that Jon had to stay loyal to the Watch.  They would have been perfect had they met under better circumstances.  RIP in peace, Ygrette.

    I guess Game of Thrones has characters that are developed enough for me to know them well, and I've seen the whole series over 10 times now thanks to COVID.

    PS - Yes, Season 8 is a tragedy, 7 sucks, 6 is forecasting, and 5 is subtly worse.  They still kept me company throughout COVID while I lived alone.

  • Best friend - Montgomery Scott  (James Doohan) Star Trek 

    Dating -  WPC Annie Cartwright   (Liz White)  Life on Mars.