Government alarm test on your mobile thing is TODAY at 3 pm

Just thought I should remind everyone. 

  • Does anyone else think this is suspicious?

    They fimd some Russian 'Ghost Ships' floating in the North Sea, scoping out our communication infrastructure, then a week later we have a UK wide mobile network alarm test?

    Feels like something is afoot to me

  • I wondered if there's something big coming which they're secretly getting ready for. Very scary especially with Putin making so much noise.

    I don't like it.

Reply Children
  • russia have openly stated they consider the uk and "anglos" to be the enemy of the world and the spectre behind every anti-russian sentiment..... "anglos" to russians are what jews were to nazi germany... so yes, we should be very wary of that as we are their main overall target, not ukrainians, ukranians are just a standard annexation to them like poland was to germany... but we english, we are the jews to them... we should be taking this very seriously. we should build more and better nukes and make it so we can effectively wipe them out if they so much as attack us in any way. we cant expect others top do it for us as there is self preservation that will hold others back from retaliating on our behalf. we need to be able to retaliate in a way to end the threat all by ourselves.

  • It is worrying, I’m certain we are being readied for an attack of some kind.