Missing post

Hi. I just put a lot of time and thought into a lengthy post in the ‘Isolation and Faith’ thread, only for it to mysteriously disappear. It was respectful, measured, and in no way offensive. But it’s vanished. It’s quite upsetting as I was certainly observing the etiquette and spirit of the thread in what I said, and I simply couldn’t begin climbing that mountain again. I felt I’d chosen my words well and simply couldn’t recreate them, nor - surely-should I have to?  - sorry, yours is the only mod name I can ever quickly find, I don’t mean to pester- has a glitch consumed it? Or was it withdrawn despite being basically a nice and well meaning post? If so, was it reported? And why? I’m confused. 

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  • Yes mate.....when weird unintended text formats occur, our Askimet Overlord smites our thoughts and words.  It's like a beta version hybrid of Minority Report  + 1984 with Last Tango In Paris lubrication.

    Personally, I love silicon and code...beats those pesky humans every time. . . . . N O T !!