What's your solitude period?

I've been alone for the past week. I had only one human contact which was a video call with a friend. Otherwise, totally alone. Since I'm going to therapy today, that will change. It scares me to realise that I can happily and calmly skip human contact for long time. What was the longest time that you have spent by yourself?

  • Far too long.  I can go for years and years without socializing. The world can be an horrific place and that enocurages you to avoid people

  • It's very interesting to read that for people on the spectrum it ranges between few years to few days of comfortable loneliness. Even though I'm not sure if everyone is comfortable with it the way it is.

  • Ive never lived on my own so i dont really know how long I could go without human contact but I can happily go a week or more without any contact outside the family

  • The longest time that I have spent completely by myself is a week. This was approximately 20 years ago when I was more-or-less bedridden with flu. 

    Edited to add: I've never lived alone, but I am fairly sure that if my adult son was to move out, I would struggle to get through a week without having some form of human interaction.

  • a conversation with me never really was a conversation anyway. there was my mum who i could reply with yes or no answers to lol i sometimes mixed it up by saying maybe!

  • Does it mean that for 10 years you have never had a conversation with a human?

  • I don't understand why every prisoner doesn't try to get put in solitary confinement. Having other people around 24/7 would easily be the hardest part of prison.

  • I live alone and work from home via a platform where almost everything is automated, so often go several days at a time without talking to anyone, but rarely more than a week without since kind of social activity. Over Christmas it's often a bit longer as my regular activities tend to get cancelled for the holidays, and sometimes I do feel not quite right around that time of year, but I'm not sure if it's lack of people that's the issue or disruption to routine.

    Currently I'm on day 3 of not talking beyond text messages and social media posts and feel good: relaxed and content. I was going to meet friends yesterday but felt burned out after two social events on Saturday so cancelled. I might see people on Thursday evening if I feel up to it. In general I find lack of solitude much, much harder to deal with than lack of company.

    Note that I'm still active when I'm not engaged in social activities. I still go for a run every day and may also go to the library etc. I just don't talk to anyone while doing it.

  • I'm at my friend's home, now.

    He's my go-to, socially.

  • I work alone so get 8 hours per day just on my own. I talk to my wife and maybe buy diesel and  food shopping once a week. I accompany my wife to the village pub on a Friday evening, that’s always early before too many people come in.

  • I lived in my flat at university over a summer once, I probably went weeks without properly interacting with anyone.

    While at sixth form, we were talking about solidarity confinement in prison, and I was like that sounds pretty nice  and people were insisting it would drive me mad. To this day, I think I’d handle it pretty well. 

  • I prefer the self service things in supermarkets too. Not because I worry about germs in my case. It’s more that I don’t like imposing my awkwardness on anyone if it can be avoided. 

  • I have to go out today.

    I've run out of milk.  

    I will of course be using a self service till, I don't want the cashier handling my milk with their dirty COVID (And who knows what else) infected fingers.  And I will be paying contactless.

  • Life hasn’t generally let me get beyond three or four days without at least some slight human interaction, even if that’s being asked for payment in a shop. More typically it will be the requirement to go to work, or a crossing paths with a family member. I think I probably have made it to a full week when ill back when I was living further from people who might stop by to check on me. 

    I’ve often said that I could contentedly go for many days without seeing or talking to another human being. The life of a Trappist monk! Now I’m not so sure - my anxiety has reached a height where talking can help a good deal to take the edge off, even if that’s phoning the Samaritans as on one occasion (so far). 

    The lines are more blurred now of course. When we might send a brief text or three in a day, or communicate on here, is that part of a viable period of solitude? Or would it be no communication at all. If the latter, then my solo trips to my parents’ holiday house in Donegal probably have been the longest periods of zero contact of any kind, and just sitting to enjoy the silence or choosing early evening for a walk along deserted coastline in the fading light. 

  • although even now my contacts are only work contacts and so on, i dont really have physical social circles.

  • 16 years maybe. got pretty agoraphobic too staying in for around a period of like maybe 10 years without going out at one point lol

  • I had a text message from my sister yesterday, I usually get one a couple of months apart.

    Only human contact this year.  Shopping, travel by bus and train, visits to a job centre.  

    Messages here and photography websites.

    I don't see or speak to my neighbours, I live in a first floor flat.

    Last time I visited someone else's home or had a visitor was Last Christmas.

    Boy am I sociable, sarcasm Grinning