Are there things you just 'don't get' in life? (as in understand the rules of)

Thanks to  in another thread (root beer) I've been thinking of the many things I've just 'not got' and done wrong.

Usually the clue that I'm not 'getting it' is the look of wonder on the faces of other people.

I'm suspecting now this may be autism related.

There are countless examples during my life but here a few.

McDonalds: I don't really understand McDonalds and I don't spend time in them without another person.

My mum used to like them so I'd take her there for lunch sometimes.

One of the 1st times she asked me to collect a menu for her and some cutlery.

I couldn't understand why these weren't on the table.

So, I went to the counter and asked for these things.

After this initial trauma, I then had the trauma of trying to understand what you are supposed to eat off of and with.


McDonalds is a particular thing with me I think.

I was with my autistic friend on our way back from visiting his mother and we went to a McD.

He asked me to get him a 'root beer'.

So, I asked for such at the counter only to be asked what that is.

I said 'I don't know' so no root beer was presented to my friend.


Another prime example is going to a spa and swimming baths in a hotel.

I'm not a swimmer or a spa goer.

So, the 1st thing I did was put my make-up on before going there.

Then, I couldn't understand how the lockers worked and had to get assistance.

Then, I eventually found the toilets but couldn't find my way back to the swimming pool so I walked through reception soaking wet in my swimming costume.

I was also in a church once when a service began and loads of people sat around me.

I had gone in there because I was in a strange city and cold and was using the church as a refuge.

I thought I could just sit there whilst the service took place.

I hadn't anticipated communion and although I'm not a Catholic or a church goer, and although I didn't understand what I was doing, I felt obliged to follow everyone up and take communion. 

There are so many examples I won't continue.

Is it just me or are there other people here who just don't 'get it?'.

  • Am I correct in thinking you're referring to people who intentionally break the rules?

  • Rule breakers. With out sounding like a goody 2 shoes here why people break even the simplest rules? It irks me greatly Grimacing

  • People saying yes but meaning no.

    Equally as confusing I find is when people say something like, "Yeah, but no." or "No, but yeah." - sort of similar to the Vicky Pollard character played by Matt Lucas in Little Britain.

  • Another one in a different place.

    In a cafe I had to go through the gift shop to use the loo. On my way back, the sign on the door back into the cafe said "no entry, cafe" or something similar. I thought they couldn't seriously think I should go out the building exit, all the way round through the car park in the pouring rain and through the csfe entrance again to get back to my cup of tea?! Again, the cogs had to whir until I realised the sign was for gift shop customers, not people returning from the loo!

  • I once saw a sign that said "this sign is not in use" and the paradox still amuses me to this day.

  • I'm mid-fifties, mate. And that goes to show that silliness and immaturity are not exclusive to the young. Slight smile

  • Too many signs. Or confusing signs.

    There was a sliding door entrance with a big massive arrow on it. When it was slid shut it looked it was saying the entrance was "over there if you follow the arrow". (ie around the building). When it was slid open the arrow was hidden behind the metal frame of the window/door unit so you couldn't really see it. This was at A&E in the middle of the night. It took a bit of deducting before I decided it was the main entrance because the last thing they would want to do is confuse people. I think other people wouldn't have even noticed and just gone straight in.

  • What I don't get is why babies have to cry so much? Maybe that's a man thing. Every time I see a baby they crying. Probably terrified that they've just joined this forsaken world Grinning

  • People lash out for a lot of reasons. A bully bullies because he or she has experienced trauma. There was a bully at my school who was horrible to everyone and everyone hated him. Later found out his dad had abused him in many ways. I felt sorry for him in the end.

  • I don't rember you saying your age Simon, but I was in my twenties like a blunt axe when talking to people, try chopping using one Stuck out tongue

  • I my difficulties with understanding that photograph show, I'm probably not the best judge of what makes for a cool picture. Slight smile

  • As I mentioned much earlier today, your response to their posts was more humane, mature and understanding than my own kneejerk efforts, and that's a real credit to you and also a lesson for me.

  • I want to agree with you in principle - it’s a horrible business and awful to be subjected to. (And in the wee small hours today a textbook example came up here before the moderators ejected the offender). But the fact is that there will always be trolls during this phase of our human evolution. For some it’s about narcissistic supply - get a reaction and they get a hit. For others, they are lashing out at the world and projecting. The person briefly on here earlier started aggressively titled threads targeting minority groups (and the ‘woke’) but was clearly deeply hurting inside about feeling marginalised and unseen themselves. A bad night? Alcohol? Do they regret it this morning? Who knows? But it can’t have made them feel good, to be at war with the equally marginalised. As horrendous as their comments were, I could feel the depth of their pain and loneliness. And that’s all of us on some level. All human life is here…

  • wow that's a lot i never encountered any of these before . 

  • That saves a lot of time. It’s like the old joke about the person who sees the Doctor with pain. ‘When you put your finger there does it hurt?’ ‘yes’ ‘and there?’ ‘Yes’ ‘And there?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Yes, I think I know what’s wrong - you have a sore finger.’

    or maybe it’s not like that at all. I think I’m talking nonsense. One of my less articulate days, perhaps a little break from here today! 

  • I know this will sound trite, but I have given the title of this thread much thought so I assure all that my answer is sincere and heartfelt.


  • This is fab...why don't you try to start a new thread for "unbelievably cool pictures"...I have a stash of v cool screenshots akin to your fab photo, so you are promised at least one contributor!

  • Internet trolling. I do not and will never understand why someone would do this. I've been trolled online before and it zaps your self confidence and caused depression for me. It's easy to hide behind their screen and be horrible to people. But why they would do it I have no idea.

  • Smiley

    To me, it looks like a large bunch of rocks on top of a smaller bunch. It takes me a while to understand spaces or distances.

  • That made me laugh. I have bad eyesight and at first saw a large bee on the pitch. On looking closer I saw it was a view.