
I was watching this Aucademy video last night

They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

Imagine a world where all communication was clear and straightforward. Everyone would have their own space. Nature and animals would be cared for. Best of all it would be quiet!

Please share any comments or suggestions of what your ideal world might be like. Particularly any changes that might be realistically achievable on the planet we are stuck on for the time being

Parents Reply
  • You could create a charitable trust who’s stated aim is the creating of a city for autistic people. It buys up the land in an out of the way place and applies for planing permission. Then create a not for profit housing association to develop parts of this land under covenant. Hopefully as the houses fill up other developers seek to build on the unused land with planing permission but if they want to do so they have to do it under covenant. 

  • You’d needs a phased approach. Start by building a village. Which is basicly a housing estate + some shops an the outline of the roads.

    but planing wise you leave room for a city centre just to one side of the village. You leave corridors for train tracks, ring roads. Electricity pylons and utilities. Then after your village is well populated you sell off one or two other plots around the ‘empty’ city centre holding back the needed land for future infer structure. And you start building the roads and infer structure of the city centre and offering small plots  for development to become shoping centre's, cinemas etc.

    the important thing is to always have a band of unused land around the developments in the early stage so no one else can buy it up land next to your development and build on it without covenant.