
I was watching this Aucademy video last night

They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

Imagine a world where all communication was clear and straightforward. Everyone would have their own space. Nature and animals would be cared for. Best of all it would be quiet!

Please share any comments or suggestions of what your ideal world might be like. Particularly any changes that might be realistically achievable on the planet we are stuck on for the time being

  • I have mine almost every day. Then i have to ruin it to go do adult stuff. 

    Mine is waking up in bed feeling fresh. Two little furry sleepy dogs tucked up too. Then a nice mug of tea propped up on pillows with the doggies. Heaven. 

    Then comes the alarm that says 'if you dont get out of bed NOW you will be late for work'!!!!! Ruined lol. 

  • You’d needs a phased approach. Start by building a village. Which is basicly a housing estate + some shops an the outline of the roads.

    but planing wise you leave room for a city centre just to one side of the village. You leave corridors for train tracks, ring roads. Electricity pylons and utilities. Then after your village is well populated you sell off one or two other plots around the ‘empty’ city centre holding back the needed land for future infer structure. And you start building the roads and infer structure of the city centre and offering small plots  for development to become shoping centre's, cinemas etc.

    the important thing is to always have a band of unused land around the developments in the early stage so no one else can buy it up land next to your development and build on it without covenant.

  • You could create a charitable trust who’s stated aim is the creating of a city for autistic people. It buys up the land in an out of the way place and applies for planing permission. Then create a not for profit housing association to develop parts of this land under covenant. Hopefully as the houses fill up other developers seek to build on the unused land with planing permission but if they want to do so they have to do it under covenant. 

  • I have given this some thought. Have you heard of land covenants? When you sell land you can make conditions on how the land is used. Provided the first buyer agrees to it these conditions are binding on all future owners.

    you could in theory buy up a large city sized piece of countryside and sell off chunks to developers under a covenant that it can only be used as a residence if at least one resident is autistic. In effect you’d have an area in which every occupied house had to have at least one autistic person in it.

  • Realistically utopia doesn’t exist on earth because no perfect people autistic or otherwise exist on earth. A real autistic society would be about balancing the competing needs of very different kinds of autistic people. My observation is that autistic people gravitate to extremes.

    we are often simultaneously the quietest and noisiest people in the room. The most sensitive and insensitive. The most introverted and extroverted. The most degenerate and puritanical. The most horny and frigid.

    An autistic sociaty would have to be one built on tolerance of the behaviour of others that aggravates us. One with no unwritten rules and very public discourse and broad consensus on a body of probably quite complicated written rules. A society in which it is accepted that anything not unambiguously forbidden is permitted.

  • I agree with all of those. it would be a paradise.

    I would add:

    it would be nice if there was no pressure to cope. I heard it so many times: ''Don't take it personaly'', it's targeting me, how else am I to take it? ''You need to try harder'', as if I wasn't already. 

  • Yes verbal communication would be completely optional with no expectations or pressure to use it. I like the idea in the video for everyone to automatically learn sign language as an additional form of alternative communication.

    Yes exactly, I would love to learn sign language. Like you say with no pressure around communication, there would be no pressure to engage in anything. Nothing would be compulsory so there would be no such things as demands.

    Everyone would always have a choice for what method suits them best at that particular time.

    Great idea, in Autopia there would be much more flexibility and choice in everything we do. Your idea would suit our spiky profiles or low spoons but then would spiky profiles or the concept of  ‘spoons’ even exist in Autopia because we wouldn’t be compared against neurotypicals?

    ‘ This could be stored electronically and also include a sensory profile. This is there was going to be  unavoidable noise or smells the person would receive an alert and would have chance to leave the immediate area.’

    I love this idea, so proactive and considerate. It could really help us regulate. Something like this could actually exist in our current reality, for example if we have an ‘I am autistic’ cards that states our sensory experience, we could receive alerts on our phone about potentially overwhelming situations.

    I love your ideas for your Autopia, quiet and silence is not valued enough in our current Predominantly Neurotypical society, there appears to be a constant need for stimulation.

    I don’t use public transport but your idea for sound proofing booths is brilliant! 

  • Autopia sounds almost perfect

    We should build it under the ocean and hide it from the rest of the world like Atlantis

  • Na is one of thoes little things that make life worth living but i do understand your point about how it would remove a lot of problems

  • Paradise for me is a world where autism is understood by all, no masking, quietness and where we can all be ourselves no matter what. 

  • I think a world without sex would remove a vast amount of anguish and pressure from (some) people.

    There is so much prejudice and expectation, especially with regard to women, wrapped around it.

    I would have lived my life very differently with its absence.

    I would like ageing and the deterioration of the body to end but for us to have the choice to die painlessly if desired.

    I would like the aggression instinct to be removed from humans.

    I'd like there to be no religions as they have been and still are a major cause of conflict and suffering in the world.

  • Not related to autsim but people with down syndrome have a town where there are nearly 50% of the population the whole enviroment is adjusted to there needs and the people there live very fuilling lifes as i understand it

    the local servese are trailord to there need and are ran a lot cheaper then anywhere else in the country,_North_Yorkshire

    their is another community in the usa in newyork

    you also might find theses articals intresting

  • I read a book recently - The name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - it's fantasy. One of countries on that ficticious world Ademre is a country of people communicating using gestures, talk is reserved for family, and out of neccessity to communicate with outsiders/barbarians. Everyone else perceives them as fidgety, and reluctant to talk, while in fact they are communicating except everyone else doesn't even see it as communication. Gestures communicate emotional states as well. It's equal opportunities country, women can become ruler the same way as man, and actually it happens more often.

  • Indeed it would not be necessary or expected at all Relaxed

  • Yes every person would be completely free to be themselves without fear of prejudice, ridicule or bullying. 

    I like the idea of sensory rooms. The electronic devices in which our sensory profiles are stored could direct us to the most appropriate one.

  • In my idea of Autopia, stimming would replace spoken language, there would be no emphasis on the spoken word. There would be alternate means of communication available for anyone and included in every aspect of life.

    Yes verbal communication would be completely optional with no expectations or pressure to use it. I like the idea in the video for everyone to automatically learn sign language as an additional form of alternative communication.

    All business and organisations would automatically offer a choice of different communication methods. Everyone would always have a choice for what method suits them best at that particular time.

    I like the idea of everyone wearing a lanyard that states their communication preferences and dedicated interests.

    This could be stored electronically and also include a sensory profile. This is there was going to be  unavoidable noise or smells the person would receive an alert and would have chance to leave the immediate area.

    Yes I love quiet! What else would you include in Autopia?

    No motorbikes or noisy vehicles. Only quiet vehicles with zero emissions. Quiet soundproofed booths on public transport. Soundproofing in all housing and buildings. No bleeping tills in supermarkets. No bleeping reversing vehicles, they would have sensors instead. Freely available dog training and pet sitters, so that the quiet is not disturbed by barking dogs. Strict rules around noise pollution. Noisy hand dryers, hair dryers and power tools would all be banned.

    I'm sure I could think of plenty more. I'd probably want to work for the newly formed Ministry of Quiet.

  • A world where we don't need to mask would be heaven :) 

  • Yes great ideas.

    There wouldn't be prejudice.

    No prejudice, just acceptance.

  • People would give you more time to speak.

    There wouldn't be prejudice.

    The would be sensory rooms open to the public where we could just out.