Small Talk

I hate small talk. I hate that I can't grasp it. I hate how people randomly foist it on me. What's up with that!? I've been online shopping since Covid19 started but I decided to get out and give a small shop ago. It went ok. I was anxious but I coped and then came the till...... the woman started talking to me like we were good friends.... said about the weather, Christmas, even her cat Boris! I feel drained now. I feel an idiot for being unable to participate in her small talk. All I said was yes, no... mmm... Small talk, one of life's little mysteries.

  • If I'm in the right frame of mind I can tolerate small talk, provided it doesn't last too long. It's been YEARS since I last visited a hairdressing salon because I do not find it to be a relaxing experience. I would maybe visit no more than once or twice a year. It was the amount of small talk that made it such an unenjoyable experience... "Doing anything nice for Christmas?" "Going anywhere nice on holiday?" AGHHH! Weary

  • I can relate to that. I have needed to go to the hairdressers but less frequently since Covid as changed to a longer lasting style. I always feel they must think I am boring.

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