Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • I did have a spell of reading a lot within the past, mainly auto biographies, enjoyed those. Then I had  flare up of my eye condition, gave reading intensely a number of years ago. Now considering maybe accessing some talking books, to take the strain off my effected eye. So I'm pleased that you'd started this thread Debbie, as it's made me reconsider reading again within a different wayRelaxed

  • I did have a spell of reading a lot within the past, mainly auto biographies, enjoyed those. Then I had  flare up of my eye condition, gave reading intensely a number of years ago. Now considering maybe accessing some talking books, to take the strain off my effected eye. So I'm pleased that you'd started this thread Debbie, as it's made me reconsider reading again within a different wayRelaxed

  • Thanks for the info. I do have some wrap around prescription sunglasses now which makes reading a little easier, but I still suffer from eye strain when I've read for too long. So I'll also have head towards making some adaptions for myself to make reading a little easier on my effected eye. My other eye is A1, but it's a case of balancing them both up to avoid eye strain I think. 

  • So I'm pleased that you'd started this thread Debbie, as it's made me reconsider reading again within a different way

    Very pleased to hear that.

    It's similar to how I got a kindle.

    I've had my eye lenses replaced now but at the time that was done my myopic prescription was around -13.

    I could not longer read novels as the writing is too small, even with glasses.  Too much of an eye strain.

    The emergence of the kindle was wonderful as you can enlarge the print.
