Autistic adults, how do you express joy and happiness

I'm still waiting for my assessment.

I think I expressed joy without masking for the first time today, I'm unsure though because I've heard differing accounts.

It was squealing and slapping on my legs and knees. 

  • Autism is an amaygdala issue. It controls how you feel. Heart rate. Nervous tension muscle tension. Blood flow to the brain. Oxygen supply to the PFC. The Amygdala controls if you are running away in fear or staying and loving. Autistic people should take the most powerful anti inflammatory known. To reduce the size of the amygdala. Which reduces thier fear. Which then enables them to feel love and attachment 

  • It is more complex than that, and involves many regions of the brain and their interconnectivity, Autistic people have denser close-range connectivity within the regions of the brain and less dense long-range connectivity between the regions of the brain. This accounts for elements of physical clumsiness often found in autists. 

  • ok your being tricked, 

    STOP looking at the Cortexes !! they don't matter, in regard to how you FEEL

    yes, they are you motor skills part of biology I agree 

    But how much blood and oxygen that get driven to the cortexes is controlled by the Amygdala !!

    You FEEL before you Think

    And it's this FEEL (physically) that is more critical than the Cortex 

    So, it's not complex at all 

    It's very easy, control the Amygdala and you control your life

    Ignore it and it still controls everything you experience via the Cortex, but you just remain helpless 

  • Neuro means cortex focused ,

    No, the prefix 'neuro-' means 'connected with' or 'belonging to' nerves, or nerve cells. A nerve cell is called a neuron. Doesn't matter where, a neuron in your cerebral cortex, gut or big toe is still a neuron.

  • Neuro means cortex focused ,

    there is an elephant in the room its called the Amygdala 

    The description of the symbols perfectly match the functionality of the Amygdala

    He has a younger brother called Murugan 

    who represents the Cortex 

    Please understand, we have been living within a confirmation bias bubble that the only thing that matters is the cortex, 

    Cain killed Able

    Murugan never killed Ganesh 

    Thats why we are so different in behaviour 

    Adn why we can perform heart surgery but apparently do not know anything about the Amygdala

    The horns of the dilemma, the beast within, the devil the snake 


    This is Autism, because we are human, we can override this desire to hide in the corner, but it's hard work and does not really work at all, on a biological emotional attachment level

    If we reduce the Fear biologically then an Autistic person can come out of the corner biologically 

  • A doctor philosophiae. There are neurologists and neuroscientists, but no such thing as a cortex doctor or an amygdala doctor exists.

  • Is that a cortex doctor ?

    OR an Amygdala doctor ?

  • I am a biomedical scientist, so you are on my home turf here. I will be monitoring your communications for their FACT!-ual content.

  • As you correctly stated Amygdala hijack proves your cortex is secondary 

    Scared rats are aggressive rats, DOH !

    Nice ignoring the factual conversation and becoming emotional

    You can cripple a person with fear, FACT ! 

    Refrigerator mother was measuring her CORTEX behaviour, so she did not ACT different from other mothers !

    We are talking Amygdala communication between mother and baby, where the cortexes are not important enough to be told LOL 

    Extinction programming, nothing to do with imaginary worlds created in the PFC 

    Final part, the Amygdala is functioning within a group in communication within the group, (but Autistic children's are huge) 

    It appears that Autistic people that separate and live utterly alone all their lives, their Amygdala just seems do die, this must also be mentioned with numbers, because most autistic people do not make it to that age, they give up way before then 

    So the appraisal of the data at the moment is clutching at straws

    Bu tmy friend i have an ACE up my sleeve

    The most powerful anti inflammatory known to man, affects the Amygdala

    Reduces FEAR which then in turn allows people to FEEL love  

  • IF the Amygdala is active, you are SCARED

    If the amygdala is artificially stimulated in rats, they become aggressive, switch it off and their aggression subsides.

    I can take a normal person and CRIPPLE them with fear, using torture techniques and make them Autistic

    I hope that you are exaggerating here for effect, because that is illegal, even for governments to inflict. Plus fear is not definitive aspect of being autistic. Look at any autism diagnostic manual for the many traits it will cover.

    Also of note mum/baby communication via the Amygdala (which is the cause of Autism) Mums/Amygdala disconnects from Babies Cortex is not important enough to be told, so funny 

    Rather confused by what you are trying to say here, but the 'refrigerator mother' - mother who does not emotionally bond with the infant - as a cause of autism was discredited decades ago.

    Does not mean our cortexes rule, they dont matter to you at all, in real terms

    Usually, the frontal cortex can override impulses from the amygdala, this stops impulsive actions. If you picked up a very hot plate by accident then the reaction of the primitive brain is to drop it, if it was one of your mother's prized 'best crockery' your frontal cortex can usually ensure that you do not, but put it down carefully. If this does not happen it is called amygdala hijacking. Perhaps your recent flooding of this forum could be characterised as 'amygdala hijacking' itself? 

    I can take an Autistic person and reduce the Amygdala so much they are one with GOD! (Zero inflammation of the Amygdala)

    Amygdala volume has a correlation with sociability. The larger a person's group of friends or number of friendship groups, the larger is their amygdala. As a perceived lack of sociability is a major part of autism, then surely an enlarged amygdala would logically be the goal to aim for?

  • Ok in 1967 2 autistic non verbal children , were given a small dose of LSD, 

    The anti inflammatory aspects of LSD reduced the Inflammation on the Amygdala

    After 30 mins the 2 boys got up spoke and walked over to their mum and hugged her  

    The REAL you is the primitive brain how you physically FEEL 

    The imaginary complexity is the cortexes 

    Now the Amygdala controls your ability to ATTACH 

    IF the Amygdala is active, you are SCARED

    IF the Amygdala is not Active you are in a state of LOVE/BLISS

    Not imaginary love, imagined and constructed using language within the imaginary imagined and constructed reality we have dreamed up, within the PFC

    I can take a normal person and CRIPPLE them with fear, using torture techniques and make them Autistic

    I can take an Autistic person and reduce the Amygdala so much they are one with GOD! (Zero inflammation of the Amygdala)

    Also of note the Amygdala, size in relation to male females

    Also extinction programming  

    Also of note mum/baby communication via the Amygdala (which is the cause of Autism) Mums/Amygdala disconnects from Babies Cortex is not important enough to be told, so funny 

    Just because our tail crawled up and and became a PFC (tail wagging the dog)

    Does not mean our cortexes rule, they dont matter to you at all, in real terms

    Your fear state controls your biology , which controls your imagination 

    Think of a game running on a PC , getting 30FPS then you overclock the PC massively then your getting 60PFS Thats a huge difference to your reality and the over clocked one is going to burn out much faster

    You are the voltage not the processor , 

    understand ? 

  • The amygdala is part of the 'primitive brain', so it is involved in 'basic functions' and anxiety comes under that heading. Heightened levels and chronicity of anxiety are found in the majority of autistics, but it is only one facet of autism. No amount of, putative, treatment to the amygdala will make any autist better at non-verbal communication, for example. So, although I'm not supposed to be able to, I will keep looking at the 'big picture'.

  • The amygdala is part of the 'primitive brain', so it is involved in 'basic functions' and anxiety comes under that heading. Heightened levels and chronicity of anxiety are found in the majority of autistics, but it is only one facet of autism. No amount of, putative, treatment to the amygdala will make any autist better at non-verbal communication, for example. So, although I'm not supposed to be able to, I will keep looking at the 'big picture'.

  • Neuro means cortex focused ,

    No, the prefix 'neuro-' means 'connected with' or 'belonging to' nerves, or nerve cells. A nerve cell is called a neuron. Doesn't matter where, a neuron in your cerebral cortex, gut or big toe is still a neuron.

  • Neuro means cortex focused ,

    there is an elephant in the room its called the Amygdala 

    The description of the symbols perfectly match the functionality of the Amygdala

    He has a younger brother called Murugan 

    who represents the Cortex 

    Please understand, we have been living within a confirmation bias bubble that the only thing that matters is the cortex, 

    Cain killed Able

    Murugan never killed Ganesh 

    Thats why we are so different in behaviour 

    Adn why we can perform heart surgery but apparently do not know anything about the Amygdala

    The horns of the dilemma, the beast within, the devil the snake 


    This is Autism, because we are human, we can override this desire to hide in the corner, but it's hard work and does not really work at all, on a biological emotional attachment level

    If we reduce the Fear biologically then an Autistic person can come out of the corner biologically 

  • A doctor philosophiae. There are neurologists and neuroscientists, but no such thing as a cortex doctor or an amygdala doctor exists.

  • Is that a cortex doctor ?

    OR an Amygdala doctor ?

  • I am a biomedical scientist, so you are on my home turf here. I will be monitoring your communications for their FACT!-ual content.

  • As you correctly stated Amygdala hijack proves your cortex is secondary 

    Scared rats are aggressive rats, DOH !

    Nice ignoring the factual conversation and becoming emotional

    You can cripple a person with fear, FACT ! 

    Refrigerator mother was measuring her CORTEX behaviour, so she did not ACT different from other mothers !

    We are talking Amygdala communication between mother and baby, where the cortexes are not important enough to be told LOL 

    Extinction programming, nothing to do with imaginary worlds created in the PFC 

    Final part, the Amygdala is functioning within a group in communication within the group, (but Autistic children's are huge) 

    It appears that Autistic people that separate and live utterly alone all their lives, their Amygdala just seems do die, this must also be mentioned with numbers, because most autistic people do not make it to that age, they give up way before then 

    So the appraisal of the data at the moment is clutching at straws

    Bu tmy friend i have an ACE up my sleeve

    The most powerful anti inflammatory known to man, affects the Amygdala

    Reduces FEAR which then in turn allows people to FEEL love  

  • IF the Amygdala is active, you are SCARED

    If the amygdala is artificially stimulated in rats, they become aggressive, switch it off and their aggression subsides.

    I can take a normal person and CRIPPLE them with fear, using torture techniques and make them Autistic

    I hope that you are exaggerating here for effect, because that is illegal, even for governments to inflict. Plus fear is not definitive aspect of being autistic. Look at any autism diagnostic manual for the many traits it will cover.

    Also of note mum/baby communication via the Amygdala (which is the cause of Autism) Mums/Amygdala disconnects from Babies Cortex is not important enough to be told, so funny 

    Rather confused by what you are trying to say here, but the 'refrigerator mother' - mother who does not emotionally bond with the infant - as a cause of autism was discredited decades ago.

    Does not mean our cortexes rule, they dont matter to you at all, in real terms

    Usually, the frontal cortex can override impulses from the amygdala, this stops impulsive actions. If you picked up a very hot plate by accident then the reaction of the primitive brain is to drop it, if it was one of your mother's prized 'best crockery' your frontal cortex can usually ensure that you do not, but put it down carefully. If this does not happen it is called amygdala hijacking. Perhaps your recent flooding of this forum could be characterised as 'amygdala hijacking' itself? 

    I can take an Autistic person and reduce the Amygdala so much they are one with GOD! (Zero inflammation of the Amygdala)

    Amygdala volume has a correlation with sociability. The larger a person's group of friends or number of friendship groups, the larger is their amygdala. As a perceived lack of sociability is a major part of autism, then surely an enlarged amygdala would logically be the goal to aim for?

  • Ok in 1967 2 autistic non verbal children , were given a small dose of LSD, 

    The anti inflammatory aspects of LSD reduced the Inflammation on the Amygdala

    After 30 mins the 2 boys got up spoke and walked over to their mum and hugged her  

    The REAL you is the primitive brain how you physically FEEL 

    The imaginary complexity is the cortexes 

    Now the Amygdala controls your ability to ATTACH 

    IF the Amygdala is active, you are SCARED

    IF the Amygdala is not Active you are in a state of LOVE/BLISS

    Not imaginary love, imagined and constructed using language within the imaginary imagined and constructed reality we have dreamed up, within the PFC

    I can take a normal person and CRIPPLE them with fear, using torture techniques and make them Autistic

    I can take an Autistic person and reduce the Amygdala so much they are one with GOD! (Zero inflammation of the Amygdala)

    Also of note the Amygdala, size in relation to male females

    Also extinction programming  

    Also of note mum/baby communication via the Amygdala (which is the cause of Autism) Mums/Amygdala disconnects from Babies Cortex is not important enough to be told, so funny 

    Just because our tail crawled up and and became a PFC (tail wagging the dog)

    Does not mean our cortexes rule, they dont matter to you at all, in real terms

    Your fear state controls your biology , which controls your imagination 

    Think of a game running on a PC , getting 30FPS then you overclock the PC massively then your getting 60PFS Thats a huge difference to your reality and the over clocked one is going to burn out much faster

    You are the voltage not the processor , 

    understand ?