Autistic Intertia

Hi, I am struggling with inertia big time. I have stopped from work for two weeks and am just overwhelmed. I have lots I need to get done but even the basic things are now hard where as before I could kind of do them. I only realised I was autistic a few weeks ago so that is adding to it. 

Is this an autism thing or just a me being strange thing?

  • Rest. The only answer is rest. Do your own thing a while. Accept what your body and mind will and will not do. The full you will bounce back. But you need rest. Not drugs or therapy, just time, sleep and your own thing. 

    It was someone on this forum who helped me understand burn out. It is NOT depression. They were so right. REST!

  • Quick question, how the hell do you get out of it?

  • Ah hun. You are in autistic burn out. GO GOOGLE to understand. Been there. Just climbing out, actually. Rest. Old fashioned R&R will fix it. But you need time.

  • Yeah I often barely move for days. I find it helps to stop worrying and just lie about for a while doing whatever - or nothing - and after a while my energy comes back. Then I burn out again. Obviously doesn't work around a regular job, one of those things that would be fine if only people left us in peace. I'm retired now and it's fine, I just go with my natural rhythm. 

  • These things never disappear do they? They just build up and it plays on your mind.... and the negative cycle only adds to things. I wish I had some useful advice for you but I can only send support.

  • Scarily similar to me, I have to be forced by management to take leave, but it ruins the familiarity of the routine, it takes about 2 days of rest to be able to be somewhat comfortable about it.

    My workload is ridiculous and it concerns me it won't be dealt with whilst I am off

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I think I need do need to write it all out. I am going to do that this evening. 

    Thank you

  • Hi LegoBear,

    I don't know if this is an autistic thing (I'm a newbie autie and I stopped researching autism because I got a bit overwhelmed with all the info) I think I know how you feel though. Sometimes I don't look forward to having time off even though I know I need it. I get a bit depressed and stressed thinking I have so much to do and I'm not relaxing in my allocated relaxing time. I think it's because of executive dysfunction and because of not liking change in routine.

    So yeah, it sucks and I haven't figured out how to not do it yet. My only advice would be to write it all out, fun tasks, health tasks, and important (work-like) tasks and try to do an equal amount from each category. And try making yourself a "holiday" routine so you can feel a bit more ownership over your time (I right this down too so it feels more official because I like that) 

    I guess the only other thing I would say is that it's OK not to be functioning how you think is ideal, you don't have to beat yourself up over it, it happens and maybe one day it won't.

    Have a great day Slight smile

  • Hmm that makes sense... I kept putting it down to PTSD but if I am honest I do think it is just a case of overwhelmed by life. PTSD isn't bothering me as much anymore.

  • It's most likely burnout, which there really isn't much that can be done, other than get rest. I have had it about 6 weeks, and it's taking its toll

  • I am sorry to hear that you also struggle with this. It is so hard to just get going. I don't quite know what to do.

  • I have the same, it's almost like autopilot but without any functionality