Autistic suicide memorial

I've come up with an idea. We should campaign for a suicide memorial for Autistic people in central London. We need to put the message out too many of us die young. The life expectancy for Autistic people is decades shorter than for neurotypicals. We need to really make it so they can't ignore it any longer, put a public memorial up with statistics on it an some people's names and stories.

  • this was an interesting idea even if it never got anywhere it doesn't deserve to be deleaed in the coming great thread puge. so I'm posting to update the thread.

  • Have individual ones for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; possibly one for the Irish State, if expenses allow. 

  • It's hard enough to get people to care about autistic people that are alive, I'm not sure enough people will care.

  • I can try to contribute if you like. 

  • Excellent idea. But how to do it when it seems everyone has their own agenda and money and authority is what has most power.

    There has been lots about female inequality and black people, but we don't seem to feature.

    I'm currently in a group trying too address autism suicide and we have a large budget, but I don't think a memorial would be agreed as appropriate use of it.

    I'm proposing a database with responses based on lived experience algorithms. Do you think you would contribute to the recording of experiences??

  • It could be a wall. That could work. Or a statue or some kind of public sculpture. Anything physical would be great. In Berlin they have a memorial to the holocaust that's really striking, you can't just walk past it. Anything makes a difference though. 

  • Thanks Mariusz. Good point about the taxes. Thing is, I want to see improvement. It isn't fair that neurotypical people get angry about *** cancer killing people and smoking... but they seem indifferent to us!

  • I disagree with you about making the memorial digital. That has the potential to have bugs in it, it could be hacked too. But it's clever what you came up with, in a way. I just don't think it would be the same though.

  • Yes, magic 54.

    I wonder how many NTs would pay their taxes if they knew that's their life expectancy, and that number one cause is some version of seppuku, not failure of cardiovascular system. 

    Myself I decided I'm not stopping at 54, but it took me 42 years to reach that resolution, while I knew about it last 5 years.

    I agree it's great idea.

    Though we would need to come with a better name for it, something pointing towards autistic.

    It might even improve lives of the next generation of autistic

  • It probably would but it’s also harder and an online memorial is a viable stepping stone to a public memorial.

  • My answer to that is I think a public memorial would resonate with people more.

  • And the physical memorial wouldn’t need to be fancy and expensive. A rasbery pi plugged into some e paper or an lcd mounted in a brass frame and an organisation near by willing to let you mount it on their wall, plug it into their socket and log it onto their wifi.

  • I mean the real work is collecting and curating names. That’s easiest done online.

    then there’s getting permission to install it that’s the next hardest task. So starting online means you can come to that part later.

    building a memorial doesn’t have to be expensive. Laminated printed A4 sheets screwed to a wall are a memorial. If you want a pretty one that’s a bit more work.

    a digital memorial could be interactive. More than just a list of names. Could have mini bios with pictures of the deceased. As much as their friends and families wish to provide. Eulogies submitted by their friends online.

  • I mean why central london is one thing that comes to mind. Why not start one online (a lot cheaper and easier) then push for physical memorials that are basically screens linked to the website. So their constantly updated from a central point with out having to pay an engraver to go out and put a new name on the list.

  • a suicide memorial

    Good call, Roswell. I think a Suicide Memorial Wall is a great idea.