Autistic suicide memorial

I've come up with an idea. We should campaign for a suicide memorial for Autistic people in central London. We need to put the message out too many of us die young. The life expectancy for Autistic people is decades shorter than for neurotypicals. We need to really make it so they can't ignore it any longer, put a public memorial up with statistics on it an some people's names and stories.

  • Excellent idea. But how to do it when it seems everyone has their own agenda and money and authority is what has most power.

    There has been lots about female inequality and black people, but we don't seem to feature.

    I'm currently in a group trying too address autism suicide and we have a large budget, but I don't think a memorial would be agreed as appropriate use of it.

    I'm proposing a database with responses based on lived experience algorithms. Do you think you would contribute to the recording of experiences??

  • I can try to contribute if you like. 

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