Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • The world is a man's world tbh...They've always been in charge Persevere It's tiring...

  • I think we should hand over control to the women, can't be any worse than this surely Slight smile

  • I think we should hand over control to the women

    Absolutely not.

    I'm only interested in a person's competence and ability to do a job - just handing things to people because of their gender is crazy.

  • TLDR you a fraud and a scammer who fell for a americanised mcdojo who taught a load of c*** and based it on tv shows and not actual martial arts and have taught it in the cult like stereotype way that tv programmed teach that all fakes use as a guideline.

    i dont need to listen to any more from you, your a fraud and a embarrassment and dont know *** all about anything. you have been taken in by a cult who have brainwashed you into thinking that they control your body, they dont... you do what you want with your body, you have freedom.... abandon cult like training, it isnt legit, its a bunch of frauds who watched too much tv and taught you social teachings and not martial arts. cut that c***out, that c*** is making traditional martial arts be a F*******embarrassment and a laughing stock globally and a core reason why everyone goes for BJJ s**** now instead and really starts to limit themselves to sports *** because people like you give fraudsters and scammers too much power in traditional martial arts, they are not teaching you martial arts, they are teaching you bullshit social moral values based on tv shows thinking that stereoptype crap is what martial arts is about... its not... only fakes who know martial arts by watching tv shows think that. that crap needs to be cut out and it will be as they get continuously challenged and embarrassed by people who call their crap out. sadly this makes all trad martial arts look bad though. stop making martial arts into a cult.... its not a cult, it shouldnt teach you social nonsense, martial arts should teach you martial arts, and fitness ofcourse as you need to be fit, i saw one place teach you dont need fitness ... yeah thats a scammer, so many scammers, stop fucking falling for them. a martial arts place supposed to tech martial arts, not philosophy.... your supposed to improve physically and become more B*****, its not supposed to be a social teaching, and with anything its all up to you how you use it.... if you say thats nonsense then your a bigger idiot than i have ever seen in my life, your not even following your scam martial arts because if you was you wouldnt even speak to me here or speak about it at all as im sure your scam cult like martial arts you claim controls what you can or cant do in your life wouldnt even approve of you speaking about it here lol so you broke your martial cult right here right now by doing what it doesnt want you to do lol and in doing so you proved it doesnt control you, and its all up to you how you act and how you use your body and your skills, not up to them.... abandon cult mentality...  martial arts taught as a cult is fake and one day with regulation they shall be banned...

    "As martial artists we are permitted to prevent the continuation of an offence being committed in terms of someone attacking us or one or more others "

    nope, you are to assess the situation and make sure you look after your own safety. never jump into a confrontation between 2 others thinking your fucking superman or a tv film hero.... your not.... and martial arts doesnt make you.... your number 1 priority is your safety, your own skills is to ensure your own safety. you shouldnt be jumping into any confrontation and fight you see at all. common sense dictates you stay out of it and its not your business unless its someone you know or are related too who you feel obliged to help... a stranger? ... nope... for all you know the stranger you risk your life and safety to jump in to help could actually have been the bad guy who started it and your risking your life and safety inserting yourself into a fight to help a bad person because you think your superman and your cult taught you tv nonsense instead of real world safety.

    "An offence is committed when people attack other people. Think about it!"

    this line proves you havent been taught any martial art because its a very basic teaching that offence and defence are one and the same.... aside from in the flowery fist type show martial arts that are more dancing.... they are not direct, they are barely offence nor defence but instead they are dance... but in a combat martial art your defence and offence should be one and the same and be merged as one to provide a illusion of speed in your defence and counter hit at the same time near enough, and that your attack line can block the opponents defence line. this is very basic teachings...

    Edited by moderator

  • how is it nonsense?

    You stated that martial arts are for whatever a person wants to use it for ~ so I called that nonsense in that martial arts are legally taught for the purpose of self or also social and societal defence or protection, which can be further verified as legalities rather than fantasies involving secondly the following link for the British Self Defence Governing Body, and thirdly via the following link for the Crown Prosecution Service on the matter.

    With though the aforementioned links involving longer reads, the following much shorter American legal-claims description sums them up very well indeed:

    You may use your martial arts skills to protect another person from the imminent threat or harm or death. Whether you're protecting a child or family member, or acting as a Good Samaritan on behalf of a stranger, the same rules of reasonableness apply. You must only use the amount of force necessary to dispel the threat.

    have you ever done martial arts?

    Yes, six varieties over the course of about forty years now, but despite instructors and other people’s encouragements and enthusiasms for me to do so ~ as an equalitarian I was not personally into doing the belt gradings thing, nor any of those competitive ring or cage fighting states of affairs either.

    I have though done martial art demos and work involving my training, along with socially negotiating or enforcing peaceful interactions through the years ~ with the most recent one having been in May, what with someone having made an attempt to shove their way in as I opened my front door ~ which I used as leverage along with their shoulder to deflect and rotate them back out again.

    and if you have its clearly a mcdojo that taught you a load of nonsense...  of which i guess your going by the internet to tell you stuff, why dont you go out and train instead of let a wikipedia tell you a load of fantasy nonsense?

    Yet you imagined and promoted more nonsensical contradictions with your completely false assumption ~ as being a mocking and demeaning fantasy where you imagined I was the one being a nonsensical fantasist rather than just doing so yourself.

    Not only that . . . you described your ‘master’ as teaching martial arts but not social respect, which you have disrespectfully exemplified here to me and others elsewhere on this and other threads also, whilst every tradition of martial art I have trained in, practised and been involved with in terms of doing demos and working with other martial artists from other traditions ~ has specifically involved respect as being as much a fundamental principle as it is a developmental necessity for training and general conduct, being that it can make all the difference between living a healthy lifestyle, or else getting injured or even killed, with the following quotation summing them all up:

    A major aspect of the Martial Arts is RESPECT. That includes respect for the art, respect for the culture of the art, respect for the founder of the art, respect for your instructor, respect for your fellow students, respect for your training, respect for your nation, and respect for yourself. It is the respect of ALL life. That respect demonstrates itself outwardly in courtesy toward others.

    Or also given that you state on your profile that Wing Chung Kung Fu is a hobby of yours, one of it’s grand masters Yip Man formulated for students the following codes of conduct:

    1. Remain disciplined. Uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist

    2. Be respectful and honest. Serve your community and honour your family.

    3. Love your fellow students and classmates. Be united and avoid conflict.

    4. Limit your pursuits of bodily pleasures. Preserve the proper attitude.

    5. Train diligently and make it a habit. Cultivate your skill.

    6. Learn to be calm. Don’t participate in arguments and fights.

    7. Cooperate with people. Be civilized and gentle in your manners.

    8. Help the weak. Use your fighting ability for the good of humanity.

    9. Pass on our traditions. Promote our art ad its code of conduct.

    lets go through this again...... you get taught martial arts..... it is yours now... you have it.....

    In that martial arts are taught and practised ~ they are not then as traditional practices or disciplines owned as being personal possessions; but shared and used as teachings that develop people’s fighting skills or abilities to defend themselves or also to protect others.

    Hence rather than for instance saying that Kung Fu is mine, yours or anybody else’s in particular; people say they are leaning Kung Fu or that they ‘do’, ‘practice’ or even ‘instruct’ it or more in fact one or more specific styles of which.

    whos to stop you using it for whatever purposes you have in mind for it?

    No one should stop us from using our martial artistry ~ providing we are upholding the law and using the disciplines of our teachings to an appropriate extent protectively or also defensively ~ in a respectful manner.

    do you become a robot when you learn martial arts and give up your free will?

    Our body becomes robotic in using automatic / habitual moves, and through our mind we are traditionally / legally obliged to govern that to a reasonable extent.

    Will though is the habitually driven compulsion to gain a false sense of power from either those in positions of control, governance or authority, or from those who have also lost or not yet discovered their inner sense of power and get as much controlled or coerced by others.

    Learning a martial art can help us give up the misnomer of having free will; in order that we may learn to free ourselves or also others from the disrespectful and disempowering tyranny of violent oppression, and dispossession.

    no? .... you dont.. and thus you use it however you want... how can you say thats nonsese?

    As long as what you want is what you need to do in terms of following the teaching/s and the law to defend and protect either yourself, other people or anybody’s property including your own ‘without’ excessive force . . . then that is sensible and therefore as such makes sense.

    you are still you, you have your freedom, that doesnt change when you learn a new skill. you are still you and you use your skill however you so wish to use it....

    If you use excessive / unnecessary force ~ your personal and social freedom can as a result be legally restricted or obstructed, with having to pay fines, court costs, medical costs and however much compensation for physical injury and earnings lost by the claimant; as could also involve you as the offender doing community service or else serving a custodial prison sentence, and of course all that problematically thereafter follows with having a criminal record and thereby limited employment potential.

    So stating that people ‘can’ use or misuse their martial art skills as they choose is not the case, being that traditionally and legally people are not permitted or free to misuse them.

    anyone telling you otherwise is a fraud who probably also teaches no touch martial arts, dragon ball kaio kens and dim mak death touchs lol

    Yet here again you were telling me and every reader of this thread incorrect information in once again an unbefitting way, what with your contradictory and demeaning ridicule involving irrelevant considerations ~ rather than respecting the rules here nor either appreciating that people cannot legally use martial arts offensively; in that we are only permitted by law to use them defensively, and or protectively.

    When then you stated:

    offence and defence is all at once, your attack is also your defence. your punch is also a block that takes the center and the space up, they cant hit you direct if you take the center, if they swing wide your center strike hits them before they can hit you with their wide strike. thus offence is the defence.

    An offence is committed when people attack other people. Think about it!

    As martial artists we are permitted to prevent the continuation of an offence being committed in terms of someone attacking us or one or more others ~ with our first move always being if possible to warn them that we are martial artists and command them to back off, or if not we are able to use reasonable force in order to disempower or overpower them ~ beginning with demonstration ‘warning’ blocks, rather than whole systems of moves, if possible.

    We do not then have the option to promote or exemplify martial idiocy ~ where the instinctive compulsions of the unconscious and destructive Id are used to increase the disrespectful tyranny of oppression and dispossession; but only to promote instead martial artistry ~ where the intuitive deliberations of the conscious and creative Self are used to increase the equality of defending and protecting individual and collective freedoms from attack, respectfully.

    So rather than attempting to make me look foolish by insulting the competency and proficiency of my teachers and myself as martial artists ~ with false assertions; start instead following the above featured Wing Chung codes of ‘respectful’ conduct as being an integral part of your hobby, and exemplify here also behavioural adherence to the fourth community rule as follows:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; however, insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.

    On account that:

    The purpose of the Community is to provide a safe and supportive forum for people on the autism spectrum, their parents, guardians, family, friends, colleagues, and those working in the field of autism to share experiences, views and opinions.

    Or very simply give up on the antisocial behaviour and keep on with prosocial behaviour instead.

  • how is it nonsense? have you ever done martial arts? no... and if you have its clearly a mcdojo that taught you a load of nonsense...  of which i guess your going by the internet to tell you stuff, why dont you go out and train instead of let a wikipedia tell you a load of fantasy nonsense?

    lets go through this again...... you get taught martial arts..... it is yours now... you have it..... whos to stop you using it for whatever purposes you have in mind for it? ... no one.... do you become a robot when you learn martial arts and give up your free will? .... no? .... you dont.. and thus you use it however you want... how can you say thats nonsese? .... you are still you, you have your freedom, that doesnt change when you learn a new skill. you are still you and you use your skill however you so wish to use it.... anyone telling you otherwise is a fraud who probably also teaches no touch martial arts, dragon ball kaio kens and dim mak death touchs lol

  • I'm trying hard to follow this thread - I got lost at 'Wax on, wax off'.

  • kinda another misconception too is discipline.... spoke with that to my master when asking him about kids class's, he simply said that you come here to learn martial arts, the parent should discipline the kids, and their teachers at school, if you come to martial arts with no discipline then you prat around and you dont learn. discipline is not for them to teach, but something the parents should have taught them, preferably even before they joined school and almost certainly before they are high school age.

    and you can teach a person martial arts but in the end its up to them how they use it. you can tell them to only use it for defence and all that, but in the end when you teach a person martial arts it becomes theirs, and thus the choice is theirs. you only teach martial arts, everything else is up to the person. the discipline is up to their parents, and how they act and conduct themselves and use what they have is always up to the individual themselves not anyone else. they can use it for crime, its their choice, they will have to face the consequences of their own choice whatever they do. if you can make anyone be good or be the way you want to be the world would be a perfect if not a bit robotic place. it never happens, people always do whatever they do in their own path in life, whether they go down a dark path or a light one or a bit gray. the stuff you teach them is there to help them on whatever path in the journey of life they take, to be their companion and aid in life whatever direction their life goes. not caring whether they pick good bad or something in between, only there to teach them a useful life skill that can improve their life and aid them in their lifes journey. good or bad, defence or offence, none of this matters, and as for defence and offence they are kinda one and the same anyway as bruce lee would say, and as wing chun teaches. offence and defence is all at once, your attack is also your defence. your punch is also a block that takes the center and the space up, they cant hit you direct if you take the center, if they swing wide your center strike hits them before they can hit you with their wide strike. thus offence is the defence.

  • well technically if were being picky here... martial arts is for whatever use the user intends it to be for.... hence why you have martial arts trained in the military... the military do not do self defence, the military do war. and thus they use it primarily for offence. then you have career martial artists, that isnt defence at all, that is using it for money and fame. then you have criminals like the triads they use it for offence and crime... but yet they arnt to be dismissed and shunned, for the triads and criminal groups actually orientate from the true martial arts masters that fled the martial arts bans in china. and thus the real true martial arts roots are from criminal organisations. but yet alot dont like that and try to romantacise it with weird stories that they think make the art sound better, but actually doesnt make it sound better, well it might in chinese culture but in western culture we are more rebelistic and so the true martial arts stories and origins without the romanticized lies and airy fairy stuff are more appealing to the west.

    take wing chun for example.... they made a pack of lies about the origin being some woman having to fight a warlord... when in reality the origin is actually that of rebel groups having to practice in secret from the time of the martial arts bans, and so they had very narrow rooms to practice in and thus made wing chun the way it is, suited for narror rooms and short distance. but they dont like this story because its criminal and rebel and goes against the state, so they made the romantacised lies about a virtuous woman fighting a evil warlord. i guess its up for the people to pick whether they want to go with the criminal murky reality, or whether they want to go with the fairy tail. i prefer reality, and i prefer training to be with reality in mind too. alot dont though which is why mma comes along and mocks us. its pretty sad state of affairs but despite mmas bluntness they are sorta right in their scrutiny... although they could do with scrutinizing their own arts too given royce gracie is a total fraud who fixed matchs to give him easy wins and thats why bjj got so popular lol even got beat by sanshiro but the judges were gracie paid judges so they ended it and gave gracie the win and gracie forever refused a rematch because sanshiro beat him hands down. alot of false things and promotional material to cut through in martial arts. which is why its best to be critical and drenched in reality.

  • without using intent or force to harm anyone

    this is one thing that needs to go from martial arts. the whole its peaceful thing was a total lie for the chinese traditional martial arts to get around government martial arts bans which obviously didnt work so they fled and kept in the lie in western countries for fear of government bans. martial arts is not peaceful and pacifist, you need to have intent or your head is not in the game and you will be hurt. without intent there is nothing, there is what we call cat pawing, and cat pawing will make you weak while the opponent will still hit through you with intent and win, your cat paws only giving them confidence that you are outmatched against them.

    That is incorrect ~ being that I stated and hereafter restate with better 'italicised' wording and additional 'underlined' emphasis that "the wrathful force of externalising weakness is with discipline of practice balanced out by the peaceful and gentle power of internalising strength' ~ in order ‘that the practised moves piece together depending upon the movements of the individual opponent or opponents, who to whatever extent provide the force of their attack to be used against them."

    the thing is we have to accept in martial arts that there is harm to it... that you have to harm your opponent... but the thing is, that doesnt matter for they attacked you anyway and so that is their fault for making you have to harm them. once it starts it starts and you have to be 200% all in beyond what you have because even with your training the other guy is probably bigger and stronger than you if hes picking a fight with you in the first place. unless hes drunk ofcourse lol and ofcourse if a martial arts teacher objects to this then hes training his students in a way which will get them harmed instead.... if he takes the pacifist approach of try not to ham your opponent, then you get harmed instead for your not giving it your all and your opponent then beats you up, and your opponent wont hold back, your opponent is likely a criminal and could do alot of harm to you. hell people can die of 1 single punch to the head so you cant risk training students in a way of no harm or holding back because what if your student doesnt understand the fight so much and acts as if he can hold back and be in control then takes a punch tp the head that ends his life? the teacher is then liable for what he taught that kid. so even as a legal perspective you need to teach to go all in for defence purposes for your own safety.... the safety of the attacker is not a issue as he is the attacker and thus he made that choice and the consequences are all on him for initiating the attack.

    Martial arts are for the purpose of self or also social and societal defence, and thus one or more opponent’s attacks are used against them involving reasonable force ~ what with Yin being more peaceful and powerful and Yang being more wrathful and weak in terms of Karmic practice, and as such remembering that unreasonable force is excessive and therefore depleting ~ attacks will as such be balanced out as a return of that excessive force in an appropriately marshalled way, in order to bring about the obligatory peacefulness of righteous-harmonious living.

  • without using intent or force to harm anyone

    this is one thing that needs to go from martial arts. the whole its peaceful thing was a total lie for the chinese traditional martial arts to get around government martial arts bans which obviously didnt work so they fled and kept in the lie in western countries for fear of government bans. martial arts is not peaceful and pacifist, you need to have intent or your head is not in the game and you will be hurt. without intent there is nothing, there is what we call cat pawing, and cat pawing will make you weak while the opponent will still hit through you with intent and win, your cat paws only giving them confidence that you are outmatched against them.

    the thing is we have to accept in martial arts that there is harm to it... that you have to harm your opponent... but the thing is, that doesnt matter for they attacked you anyway and so that is their fault for making you have to harm them. once it starts it starts and you have to be 200% all in beyond what you have because even with your training the other guy is probably bigger and stronger than you if hes picking a fight with you in the first place. unless hes drunk ofcourse lol and ofcourse if a martial arts teacher objects to this then hes training his students in a way which will get them harmed instead.... if he takes the pacifist approach of try not to ham your opponent, then you get harmed instead for your not giving it your all and your opponent then beats you up, and your opponent wont hold back, your opponent is likely a criminal and could do alot of harm to you. hell people can die of 1 single punch to the head so you cant risk training students in a way of no harm or holding back because what if your student doesnt understand the fight so much and acts as if he can hold back and be in control then takes a punch tp the head that ends his life? the teacher is then liable for what he taught that kid. so even as a legal perspective you need to teach to go all in for defence purposes for your own safety.... the safety of the attacker is not a issue as he is the attacker and thus he made that choice and the consequences are all on him for initiating the attack.

  • aye, id give it to chinese shaolin kids.... they train them right... but why is that? that is because they train them very harshly 24/7 none stop to the point the west would call it child abuse, to the point that some of the stuff if done on a older person would cause injury due to body being too past the stage of flexibility and more towards the stage of breaking.

    It is not so much that the various forms of martial arts involve training their new disciples very harshly ~ but more that the wrathful force of externalising weakness is with discipline of practice balanced out by the peaceful and gentle power of internalising strength.

    as for any other karate black belt, yeah karate has a problem which makes it usually called a mcdojo in that they seem to pump out black belts and yet its not really up to any standard, which then gives us the situation of roid head adult MMA types that spend more time pumping iron in the gym challenging so called black belts who got a free black belt like they got it from a happy meal with no scrutiny and these MMA types usually pick and find them to slander all traditional martial arts. to me to be awarded black belt, you must be able to defend yourself from any threat, you must be a finished product.... a kid will never be a finished product.... infact the correct ideology is that you are never a finished product and that you can always improve, and thus really when thinking of it ideologically a person must never be given the top grade ever realistically. but anyone even coming close to the top grade, they need to demonstrate that they can skulpt their body to a form in which they can defend themselves or take combative action, this means fitness and skulpting your body to be fighting fit is a massive part of martial arts, and kids dont and cant have that as they are not developed bodily enough. its the one thing MMA types take advantage of to slander the traditional martial arts world. it can be fixed if we admitted kids cant be fully taught. hell even their moves in that kata had no intent, had no force or momentum as if they are not imaging their moves being enough to cause harm to a imaginary opponent infront of them.

    The belts are not merely qualifications but indicators of what has been learnt and what can be referred to in the disciple's practice; thus a white belt is a novice as can be asked about the difficulty of taking on the disciplines ~ and eventually a black belt as indicates competence of the bodily forms, as can be a teacher up to black belt and eventually a master who demonstrates the competency of the mind involving the philosophy and wisdom and the compassion of love in their life and ways.

    The whole point though of learning the forms without using intent or force to harm anyone ~ is that the moves piece together depending upon the movements of the individual opponent or opponents, who to whatever extent provide the force of their attack to be used against them.

    but chinese do teach them right, as the chinese teach them full time fitness to make them fighting fit to the point it would be called child abuse in the west and wouldnt be allowed, not to mention they pretty much take the kid full time and have daily regime for them, meaning again the west allow that as we enforce a different lifestyle of which forces the kids by law into normal schools. so depends where from... from the west, kids martial arts are money making scams and even the belts they are not awards, they actually charge them for the belts and it gets higher with each grade lol total scam.

    There are good and bad teachers out there and that is so no-matter what country they happen to come from ~ or what ethnicity they happen to be, and people can apply themselves through the grading systems or not if they so choose ~ whether that be more part-time or more full-time.

  • But it is giving them focus, Caelus, and a healthy hobby. That's a noble endeavour, surely?

  • aye, id give it to chinese shaolin kids.... they train them right... but why is that? that is because they train them very harshly 24/7 none stop to the point the west would call it child abuse, to the point that some of the stuff if done on a older person would cause injury due to body being too past the stage of flexibility and more towards the stage of breaking.

    as for any other karate black belt, yeah karate has a problem which makes it usually called a mcdojo in that they seem to pump out black belts and yet its not really up to any standard, which then gives us the situation of roid head adult MMA types that spend more time pumping iron in the gym challenging so called black belts who got a free black belt like they got it from a happy meal with no scrutiny and these MMA types usually pick and find them to slander all traditional martial arts. to me to be awarded black belt, you must be able to defend yourself from any threat, you must be a finished product.... a kid will never be a finished product.... infact the correct ideology is that you are never a finished product and that you can always improve, and thus really when thinking of it ideologically a person must never be given the top grade ever realistically. but anyone even coming close to the top grade, they need to demonstrate that they can skulpt their body to a form in which they can defend themselves or take combative action, this means fitness and skulpting your body to be fighting fit is a massive part of martial arts, and kids dont and cant have that as they are not developed bodily enough. its the one thing MMA types take advantage of to slander the traditional martial arts world. it can be fixed if we admitted kids cant be fully taught. hell even their moves in that kata had no intent, had no force or momentum as if they are not imaging their moves being enough to cause harm to a imaginary opponent infront of them.

    but chinese do teach them right, as the chinese teach them full time fitness to make them fighting fit to the point it would be called child abuse in the west and wouldnt be allowed, not to mention they pretty much take the kid full time and have daily regime for them, meaning again the west allow that as we enforce a different lifestyle of which forces the kids by law into normal schools. so depends where from... from the west, kids martial arts are money making scams and even the belts they are not awards, they actually charge them for the belts and it gets higher with each grade lol total scam.

  • ah i dont see much income potential in martial arts unless you perhaps teach kids classes which by the way kids classes are all a scam, you cannot teach kids at all, all you can do is farm them for money, they dont have the ability to even move their hands correctly in the correct shapes and patterns no matter how much you show them and dont seem to have very good muscle memory.

    Yet this demonstration is no scam:

    And this video shows the type of correct form and muscle memory also possible:

  • ah i dont see much income potential in martial arts unless you perhaps teach kids classes which by the way kids classes are all a scam, you cannot teach kids at all, all you can do is farm them for money, they dont have the ability to even move their hands correctly in the correct shapes and patterns no matter how much you show them and dont seem to have very good muscle memory. fitness is a over saturated market too. but i think if worse comes to worse i could possibly somehow maybe kinda make it like a last resort busking kinda thing out of either one of them perhaps.... like probably be a weird hobo that lives in a woodland who can teach you kung fu lmao

  • Find your passion, Caelus. Something you love doing. And make that your destination. Maybe martial arts? Fitness? Then work out a career path (or volunteer path) for that journey.

  • i learn more myself right now tbh doing whatever i do online gets me more knowledge than college or high school could ever could instill....although its probably a even tie with primary school as that was pretty good quality and they knew how to teach.

    but yeah my knowledge is seen as worthless because it doesnt have a bureaucratic paper grade, despite being better knowledge than that of college can pass on to their bureaucratic paper signing "students"

  • but you dont learn anything at all

    Why did you do it if you weren't learning anything?      You seem to be complacent in your own life and not taking charge of it - you only get one go at life.  Smiley

  • yeah i went to college one time but i dont consider it learning.... you just signed papers to say the tutor went through that section, and its just beaurocratic to sign papers to get your grade but you dont learn anything at all lol the education system is crap, it doesnt teach, its just beaurocracy. here sign these papers and we will give you a paper that you can use to brag and claim your smart, when you havent learned anything at all to get that paper and your no smarter than you was before you signed for that qualification. the entire system is a joke and no wonder society is going down hill and theres clueless people everywhere in places they shouldnt be.

  • Yeah, but you're in your thirties now, Caelus. You've had years and years to put things right or restart your education. And you still have time to start. There are thousands of opportunities out in the world if you have a passion. You can't keep looking back on your secondary school experience and complaining.

  • HS2 is not a necessary needed peice of  infrastructure

    The idea is that it frees up the other tracks to separate the high-speed non-stop stuff from the slower stuff like local trains and freight to be able to tighten up the timetables - no need to leave huge holes for an express to burn up the tracks and clearing all the slower stuff out of its way.

    The *should* benefit all the commuters and make space for more train density.

  • HS2 is not a necessary needed peice of  infrastructure

    The idea is that it frees up the other tracks to separate the high-speed non-stop stuff from the slower stuff like local trains and freight to be able to tighten up the timetables - no need to leave huge holes for an express to burn up the tracks and clearing all the slower stuff out of its way.

    The *should* benefit all the commuters and make space for more train density.

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