Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • The world is a man's world tbh...They've always been in charge Persevere It's tiring...

  • I think we should hand over control to the women, can't be any worse than this surely Slight smile

  • And here come the Tedium Crew to respond, just like clockwork!

  • Yeah, I agree with that. There's a purpose for everything and everyone. And it's better to have a maverick in government than the usual fake career politician. But she's not a maverick. She's very much a fake career politician. It's just that she's not a smart one.

    And the problem with using a monster to catch a monster is that at some point, you lose control of the monster...

  • No, no, no. Trump was not a monster. He was outspoken and divisive, and politically incorrect (which I loved about him) but he wasn't evil and manipulative like Patel. She makes my skin crawl. She's cut from the same cloth as Hancock, and it's a sinister material.

  • but perhaps sometimes you need a monster to fight a even greater monster. pritti is the only politician i know of who has so openly spoken against critical race theory and branded it a racist work that needs to be banned and stopped being taught as a positive thing in schools. she could fix the mess certain radicals have made.... while no one else is brave enough to do so. so perhaps we need a monster to face these things and change them, for no one else is brave enough to stand against the other stuff like patel is.... i bet the only reason she could speak against it and get this far is because shes both a indian and a woman, which grants her some protection against the racists of the critical race theory. being both woman and so called minority makes her the only one who can legit fight against that stuff. no one else can... .a white male cannot because that stuff preaches hate against the white male as their intended target for the future holdomor they have planned.

  • She might, very well,  be our Trump; for the reasons Caleus laid out.

  • Urghh... Pritti Patel? No way. She's not human. She's a monster.

  • margret thatcher and theresa may both equally hated.... but i dont say this as hated by the other politicians, generally they were hated by the northern voters more lol the north all seem to blame Margret thatcher for selling off their industry or something, i too young to know but thats all you hear about her from up here, they all blame her for ruining jobs and destroying the northern industry and making us all poor.

    i think pritti patel would be better than boris tbh... but i bet you alot of people wouldnt because she gets alot of hate... usually from the so called left that so called are the side of women too lol but then again that may have changed as the so called left have attacked a few previous womens rights marches in the past few years.

  • Theresa May had a hard time in power because parliament is filled with privately educated men who do not have any basic knowledge of how their own action affect the people they are supposed to represent & constantly belittled her because her actions went against a lot of MPs private or family interests.Theresa May is a terrible example. Margert thatcher would of been a better example 

    Know let's compare both previous male and female prime ministers with new Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern and see if our political system is corrupted  

  • historically we had alot of female leaders.... just everyone only judges by 1990s and onwards these days.... of which then you only have theresa may, which alot hated.... but yet she didnt even try to be brutal, she actually tried to do a middle ground approach and give both sides what they wanted and thus was rejected by everyone for it and hated. because sitting on the fence generally doesnt get you liked by either side... of which i think that is what probably also burned corbyn alot at first too.

  • There isn't many female leaders to make that judgement on as their haven't been many and that's the point their getting at. Your all be distracted by gender politics again and what's in your pants. the fact of the matter is that establishments exist like Eton that purposely create mens like boris Johnson's who only real reason to be in power or in politics is to make life easy for all those who attended places like eton the 1%. Women have a right to be angry as theirs isn't a single establishment that is female only that gives them as much access to opportunity as male private schools.

    Most of those in power have gotten to where they are because of wealth and not their own merit. Two thirds of Boris Johnson cabinet are from private schools. The majority of those in government aren't even qualified to debate on behalf of 80% of the country.

    We can name and shame female leaders all we like but the list of terrible male leader goes on forever. 

  • There isn't many female leaders to make that judgement on as their haven't been many and that's the point their getting at. Your all be distracted by gender politics again and what's in your pants. the fact of the matter is that establishments exist like Eton that purposely create mens like boris Johnson's who only real reason to be in power or in politics is to make life easy for all those who attended places like eton the 1%. Women have a right to be angry as theirs isn't a single establishment that is female only that gives them as much access to opportunity as male private schools.

    Most of those in power have gotten to where they are because of wealth and not their own merit. Two thirds of Boris Johnson cabinet are from private schools. The majority of those in government aren't even qualified to debate on behalf of 80% of the country.

    We can name and shame female leaders all we like but the list of terrible male leader goes on forever. 

  • Yeah, I agree with that. There's a purpose for everything and everyone. And it's better to have a maverick in government than the usual fake career politician. But she's not a maverick. She's very much a fake career politician. It's just that she's not a smart one.

    And the problem with using a monster to catch a monster is that at some point, you lose control of the monster...

  • No, no, no. Trump was not a monster. He was outspoken and divisive, and politically incorrect (which I loved about him) but he wasn't evil and manipulative like Patel. She makes my skin crawl. She's cut from the same cloth as Hancock, and it's a sinister material.

  • but perhaps sometimes you need a monster to fight a even greater monster. pritti is the only politician i know of who has so openly spoken against critical race theory and branded it a racist work that needs to be banned and stopped being taught as a positive thing in schools. she could fix the mess certain radicals have made.... while no one else is brave enough to do so. so perhaps we need a monster to face these things and change them, for no one else is brave enough to stand against the other stuff like patel is.... i bet the only reason she could speak against it and get this far is because shes both a indian and a woman, which grants her some protection against the racists of the critical race theory. being both woman and so called minority makes her the only one who can legit fight against that stuff. no one else can... .a white male cannot because that stuff preaches hate against the white male as their intended target for the future holdomor they have planned.

  • She might, very well,  be our Trump; for the reasons Caleus laid out.

  • Urghh... Pritti Patel? No way. She's not human. She's a monster.

  • margret thatcher and theresa may both equally hated.... but i dont say this as hated by the other politicians, generally they were hated by the northern voters more lol the north all seem to blame Margret thatcher for selling off their industry or something, i too young to know but thats all you hear about her from up here, they all blame her for ruining jobs and destroying the northern industry and making us all poor.

    i think pritti patel would be better than boris tbh... but i bet you alot of people wouldnt because she gets alot of hate... usually from the so called left that so called are the side of women too lol but then again that may have changed as the so called left have attacked a few previous womens rights marches in the past few years.

  • Theresa May had a hard time in power because parliament is filled with privately educated men who do not have any basic knowledge of how their own action affect the people they are supposed to represent & constantly belittled her because her actions went against a lot of MPs private or family interests.Theresa May is a terrible example. Margert thatcher would of been a better example 

    Know let's compare both previous male and female prime ministers with new Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern and see if our political system is corrupted  

  • historically we had alot of female leaders.... just everyone only judges by 1990s and onwards these days.... of which then you only have theresa may, which alot hated.... but yet she didnt even try to be brutal, she actually tried to do a middle ground approach and give both sides what they wanted and thus was rejected by everyone for it and hated. because sitting on the fence generally doesnt get you liked by either side... of which i think that is what probably also burned corbyn alot at first too.