Can you read facial expressions from those tests?


I'm undiagnosed, but investigating thoroughly, and doing tests myself etc. I strongly believe I am autistic, but have some doubts because of how specific the diagnostic criteria is.

Has anyone here done the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test, where you have to read expressions from just the persons eyes. I did very well on that, but I am a bit older and have had a lot of experience really examining people when I have to try to read them.


  • how accurate is that test maybe it is fake and gives u a random score Slight smile has anyone scored 100% ?

  • I usually score well/normal on those tests, but then the faces they make are very exaggerated and fake. In real life no one is going to pull a stereotypical face and hold it while they wait for you to analyse it and interpret the emotion. 

  • My score was 29 out of 36.

    The score was equal or better than 74% of all participants.

    I can read other people's facial expressions, it's just my own facial expressions that I seem to have issues with.   

  • did better than i thought :)

    i feel i was just guessing  but decided to go with my gut reaction

  • Not all assessments, there was no visual element in mine. Though there were questions on non-verbal communication.

  • 33 out of 36. Which doesn't surprise me all that much, as I am a very strong visual thinker and can draw accurate portraits of people (which my father also could and one of my daughters). To draw portraits, you need a very good ability to recognise planes and shapes in the face and how they interact spatially, and expressions alter these in recognisable ways. I am autistic. What I am not good at is body language and interpreting fleeting expressions.

    Autism is a spectrum, individuals will have strengths in some areas that, typically, autistics are weak in. I am very affected by textures, if I touch nylon fabrics I shudder with uncontrollable disgust and I just want to curl up and die. Just thinking of touching nylon is hugely unpleasant - which writing this sentence has been - eugh!

  • It does feature in the adult autism assessment. I was diagnosed a few months ago and my score fit the requirement for Asperger Syndrome. I absolutely hated that test, the eyes terrified me and I suppose that may have skewed my responses but I was really surprised because I always thought I was good at reading eyes.

  • The links don't work on my phone but I'm making a note to self to try this later. 

    I think I've got better at this with age. I played with no one in primary and was barely aware of other kids around me, but as I got older and the kids grew up, I studied and understood them better. Later, I became a trainer and explicitly taught myself what to look for in body language.

    I never knew other people didn't have to teach themselves to do that.

  • Just the eyes!

    I can't even read facial expressions from the whole face.

  • If it wasn't multiple choice I think I would have got 2 out of 36. I had no idea for most of them and was just guessing, usually choosing the simplest of the four emotions given.

  • i guess the 6 i got wrong were all the female eyes that i clicked "interested" on as the emotion? lmao

  • aha i did pretty good, although to be fair if it wasnt multiple choice i would have self picked "gormless" for most of my responses lol 

    Your score is 30 out of 36.

    Your score is equal or better than 82% of all participants.

  • You can do the test here:

    I did quite well on it, 25 out of 36 (better than 36% of people), but a lot were guesses which I apparently got right.

    You can read more about the test in Simon Baron-Cohen's paper:

    Some notes:

    • people with ASD do worse
    • women do slightly better than men
    • intelligent people do not perform any better
  • can u put up a link  ?  i would be interested to doing the test

  • True. There was a fair of of elimination I was doing. Some expressions it's clearly not.

  • not sure, havent had assessment yet lol

    but if its multiple question i suppose it can be fluked, i generally just pick anything in multiple question tests.... which is why i dont trust IQ tests too because i dont even read the question on IQ tests, i get bored and just spam click one of the 4 answers because theres too many damn questions anyway and then i end up with like 200 IQ by pressing anything randomly lmao

  • Its funny, because I don't consider myself to be very good at reading expressions on faces of real people, but with the test I was able to take my time and think about it for a while before answering. But I scored better than 87% of people. Does this test feature during adult autism assessments, does anyone know?

  • pretty hard to read expression from just the eyes as its not like the eyes can really change shape that much, which is one thing people was on about with the covid facemasks, that it blocks the part of the face which you can read a persons feelings off while leaving only the eyes that dont really give much away.