Can you read facial expressions from those tests?


I'm undiagnosed, but investigating thoroughly, and doing tests myself etc. I strongly believe I am autistic, but have some doubts because of how specific the diagnostic criteria is.

Has anyone here done the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test, where you have to read expressions from just the persons eyes. I did very well on that, but I am a bit older and have had a lot of experience really examining people when I have to try to read them.


  • 33 out of 36. Which doesn't surprise me all that much, as I am a very strong visual thinker and can draw accurate portraits of people (which my father also could and one of my daughters). To draw portraits, you need a very good ability to recognise planes and shapes in the face and how they interact spatially, and expressions alter these in recognisable ways. I am autistic. What I am not good at is body language and interpreting fleeting expressions.

    Autism is a spectrum, individuals will have strengths in some areas that, typically, autistics are weak in. I am very affected by textures, if I touch nylon fabrics I shudder with uncontrollable disgust and I just want to curl up and die. Just thinking of touching nylon is hugely unpleasant - which writing this sentence has been - eugh!

  • 33 out of 36. Which doesn't surprise me all that much, as I am a very strong visual thinker and can draw accurate portraits of people (which my father also could and one of my daughters). To draw portraits, you need a very good ability to recognise planes and shapes in the face and how they interact spatially, and expressions alter these in recognisable ways. I am autistic. What I am not good at is body language and interpreting fleeting expressions.

    Autism is a spectrum, individuals will have strengths in some areas that, typically, autistics are weak in. I am very affected by textures, if I touch nylon fabrics I shudder with uncontrollable disgust and I just want to curl up and die. Just thinking of touching nylon is hugely unpleasant - which writing this sentence has been - eugh!

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