Can you read facial expressions from those tests?


I'm undiagnosed, but investigating thoroughly, and doing tests myself etc. I strongly believe I am autistic, but have some doubts because of how specific the diagnostic criteria is.

Has anyone here done the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test, where you have to read expressions from just the persons eyes. I did very well on that, but I am a bit older and have had a lot of experience really examining people when I have to try to read them.


  • The links don't work on my phone but I'm making a note to self to try this later. 

    I think I've got better at this with age. I played with no one in primary and was barely aware of other kids around me, but as I got older and the kids grew up, I studied and understood them better. Later, I became a trainer and explicitly taught myself what to look for in body language.

    I never knew other people didn't have to teach themselves to do that.

  • The links don't work on my phone but I'm making a note to self to try this later. 

    I think I've got better at this with age. I played with no one in primary and was barely aware of other kids around me, but as I got older and the kids grew up, I studied and understood them better. Later, I became a trainer and explicitly taught myself what to look for in body language.

    I never knew other people didn't have to teach themselves to do that.

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