Can you read facial expressions from those tests?


I'm undiagnosed, but investigating thoroughly, and doing tests myself etc. I strongly believe I am autistic, but have some doubts because of how specific the diagnostic criteria is.

Has anyone here done the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test, where you have to read expressions from just the persons eyes. I did very well on that, but I am a bit older and have had a lot of experience really examining people when I have to try to read them.


  • pretty hard to read expression from just the eyes as its not like the eyes can really change shape that much, which is one thing people was on about with the covid facemasks, that it blocks the part of the face which you can read a persons feelings off while leaving only the eyes that dont really give much away.

  • pretty hard to read expression from just the eyes as its not like the eyes can really change shape that much, which is one thing people was on about with the covid facemasks, that it blocks the part of the face which you can read a persons feelings off while leaving only the eyes that dont really give much away.

  • Its funny, because I don't consider myself to be very good at reading expressions on faces of real people, but with the test I was able to take my time and think about it for a while before answering. But I scored better than 87% of people. Does this test feature during adult autism assessments, does anyone know?