Asd long term

Good evening all, 

does anyone find they cope any differently with age? 

im finding coping with noise way worse in recent years, and thought back to being a child and can’t remember noise being a problem.

Is this anything you can relate to, or does it get easier? 

  • I share that one with you Desmond, I hear music from air conditioners, washing machines, spin dryers etc. It's not loud, but its there and repetitive.

    I have, on a couple of occasions, asked to change hotel rooms on acount of annoying air conditioning keeping me awake all night, but it's usually audible in every room.  I don't often stay in hotels, but guess it would be a huge problem if i did.

    I like repitition when it's my choice of tune, but it isn't, it's just some randon rubbish that I can't turn off; a bit like an earworm.


  • Also, how could you teach languages if you can't speak other languages? That confuses me (I'm easily confused!)

  • As I type this, I am having to put up with a migrant construction worker working with an angle-grinder

    Does that make it worse then? The fact that he's a migrant worker?

  • Angle-grinders can be distracting

  • Whenever I have my Air Conditioner on, I swear to God that I could hear music, like from a radio.

    Normally, I'm tolerant of noise. But this idiosyncrasy is bugging me.

  • I'm the same. When younger I don't recall having too much problem with noise, but now I absolutely detest it. It really stresses me. Which is odd because I'm at an age where my hearing has declined a little. My partner will flick through Facebook and a video will suddenly play, full blast, and it physical hurts. I've asked that auto play be turned off (that hasn't happened), and headphones worn (this sometimes happens) because I just can't cope with it. I've bought myself a pair of ear defenders. They're big and they look a bit daft, but I don't care! Blissful silence. Even slight noises can stress me at times, especially if they're insistent. I live in a ground floor flat in a lovely quiet village but the (newish) tenant above me plays music, and/or his TV, very loud at all times of the day and night. I don't sleep well, I never have, I think I'm naturally nocturnal, and I've sat in my living room more then once, in the wee small hours, literally in tears at the constant, though muffled, "dum, dum, dum, dum" of the baseline coming through the ceiling. When he's not in, he leaves something  banging, I don't know if it's a door or a cupboard, or what, but every 20 seconds or so, it goes bang. Again, it's not mega loud, it's just constant. I love where I live but I'm seriously thinking of moving. Might be out of the frying pan and into the fire though! I've always had problems 'distinguishing' sounds. If the TV is on and someone talks to me, I can't hear them or the TV! It's the same in any environment where there's extraneous noise; shops, public transport, whatever. People have always been annoyed with me at that. 

  • add earplugs with the chainsaw headphones  and u start to get silence

  • i use chainsaw headphones which have a built in radio  they are bliss 

  • I’ve never heard of it before, only just really noticed. Interesting to see you have similar feelings. Sort of hope hearing isn’t as good as I get older and get some rest bite! 

  • I think I have a kind of NT hangover where image consciousness and social vulnerability is the default position.

    Having said that, I was visiting some friends last weekend and saw some (chainsaw) ear defenders on the table. I put them on and only after 15 minutes someone asked what it was about. I said 'the TV is too loud and you're all shouting over it - I can't stand it but I don't want to go to bed'... and all that was said was 'oh, ok then...'. I can't begin to tell you how much that meant to me.

  • Headphones seem to be the only way for me too, with loud music! 

  • u made me rethink,,,,,,, i should have said i wear headphones way way more now,,,,, I dont care what they look like as long as they do the job.

  • I am finding noise worse - I think it is mostly due to late diagnosis and now I am aware that the noise is thing that is stressing me out.

    I bought some ear defenders for £10 - could look like very expensive noise cancelling bluetooth headphones at first glance - and I'm working on not really being bothered what on earth people think. (Working on it....)

  • I seem to be getting better with age ----- something to do with my Zen practice I guess could be wrong I'll just keep "doing"

  • Yes - cannot do a fraction of what I used to put up with - recovery takes longer - feel more tired.